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Criteria for leveling up from Tour Pro to Master?

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Wed, Jul 17 2024 3:26 PM (12 replies)
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  • Deztroyer
    12 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2022 6:25 PM

    Is there a list of criteria that has to be met to level up? I’m currently a level 85 Tour Pro with 109 ranked rounds and an avg score of 68.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,897 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 10:08 AM


    Is there a list of criteria that has to be met to level up? I’m currently a level 85 Tour Pro with 109 ranked rounds and an avg score of 68.

    Unless I am mistaken, you need to get your average down to 67 with a minimum of 25 Ranked Rounds as a Tour Pro in order to get promoted to Master.



  • MarchieB
    1,529 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 10:19 AM

    This is the Tier Chart for Tier'ing up the TRADITIONAL way (Ranked Rounds/AVG)

    And before I am lynched ... YES there are other ways to Tier up through playing in Coin games, Match play ect and you do not need to meet this charts requirements to so so but there is no definitive chart to show how those requirements are meet or achieved other than by simply saying you just need to play well and you will eventually tier up.


  • Deztroyer
    12 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 11:08 AM
    My friend who just recently leveled up to Master has an avg score of 73.
  • Deztroyer
    12 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 11:12 AM
    Ok, well I guess I’ll just keep playing and try to drop 1.5 strokes off my avg and play everyday. My friend recently leveled up to Master and his avg is 73 but he also plays everyday.
  • BOZskills
    407 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 4:05 PM

    If you're a mobile player,there is no set criteria. At least none wgt has put out for us to see.

  • Deztroyer
    12 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 5:39 PM

    Yep, play on ipad. 

  • MarchieB
    1,529 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 7:20 PM

    If you're a mobile player,there is no set criteria. At least none wgt has put out for us to see.

    Has NOTHING to do with whether you're a Mobile or PC player. The game is now virtually identical regardless of which version you play on. You can play the same Solo Ranked Rounds and WGT/CC Tournament rounds to meet the min RR/AVG requirement on both PC or Mobile and you can also play Coin Games on both.



  • Robert1893
    7,707 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 8:25 PM


    It could be he meant coin-only players when he wrote mobile players.

    For coin-only players, criteria don't seem as clear for tiering up as it has been for the traditional route of playing ranked rounds.

  • alosso
    21,052 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2022 3:42 AM

    My friend who just recently leveled up to Master has an avg score of 73.
    The different paths of strokeplay vs. "mobile games" have been noted and may contribute to the situation.

    It's also noteworthy that a promotion by strokeplay (that is, 67.00 average or lower) will lead to a reset of the average after(!) the next ranked round. Thus, his first Master average would be 67.00 or lower from before, and if your friend scored a 73 at his next round (as a Master), this is his legit new average.  It's also normal because the standard tee box has changed for him.

    Confusingly, this score may be noted as a "TP" round  in the game stats in case of a tournament started as a TP.


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