I just replaced my desktop computer. New one has Windows 11 Pro preloaded. I installed WGT and went into Settings to set up my Video Resolution. I chose "Window" (instead of "Full Screen") for the best acuity, then went to play. To my surprise, the lower panel containing the all-important Swing Meter, Club Selection, etc was missing as the normal home page had filled my computer screen. To make matters worse, the 3 vertical dots normally located at the upper left corner (in order to access Settings among other things) was also not visible. I did everything I could to minimize the screen, move it up, down, left or right, but neither of those areas were revealed. I literally had to not only delete WGT (TopGolf in the hard drive, Programs86, right click on that folder and delete) BUT also had to go into registry edit, HKCurrentUser, Software, WGT, then right click delete that folder. I reloaded several times, changing resolution each time, but without using "Full Screen", the game could not be played.
The problem with Full Screen is that the Windows Taskbar is missing at the bottom, which doesn't allow me to check my mail, get online, etc. while I am playing a game. A minor inconvenience I guess but I do miss that access.
Anyone else with this issue with Windows 11? Thanks.