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Windows 11 and WGT - Help!

Thu, Jan 11 2024 1:08 PM (20 replies)
  • rockinroller
    11 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2022 7:06 AM

    I just replaced my desktop computer.  New one has Windows 11 Pro preloaded.  I installed WGT and went into Settings to set up my Video Resolution.  I chose "Window" (instead of "Full Screen") for the best acuity, then went to play.  To my surprise, the lower panel containing the all-important Swing Meter, Club Selection, etc was missing as the normal home page had filled my computer screen.  To make matters worse, the 3 vertical dots normally located at the upper left corner (in order to access Settings among other things) was also not visible.  I did everything I could to minimize the screen, move it up, down, left or right, but neither of those areas were revealed.  I literally had to not only delete WGT (TopGolf in the hard drive, Programs86, right click on that folder and delete) BUT also had to go into registry edit, HKCurrentUser, Software, WGT, then right click delete that folder.  I reloaded several times, changing resolution each time, but without using "Full Screen", the game could not be played.

    The problem with Full Screen is that the Windows Taskbar is missing at the bottom, which doesn't allow me to check my mail, get online, etc. while I am playing a game.  A minor inconvenience I guess but I do miss that access.

    Anyone else with this issue with Windows 11?  Thanks.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2022 8:28 AM

    Just hit the windows key on bottom LH of keyboard and that should bring up your desk top. 

  • rockinroller
    11 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2022 8:51 AM

    Thanks.  That does access it until I click back on the WGT screen then disappears again.  Can I ask if (1) you play on a desktop computer, and (B) what your Video Resolution and setting (Full Screen vs. Window) is?   I was able to see the lower strip in "Window" again which is critical, but the "Window" area is about 1/4 of the size of my computer screen.  

  • borntobesting
    9,766 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2022 11:17 AM

    I play on a desktop

    Resolution 1920x1080 


    But before playing I do this

    I bring up Task Manager. 

    Right click on golf 32 bit.,    select expand

    if it shows unity crash handler right click on it and end task.

    If it shows just golf after that close and reopen Task manager 

    Right click on golf 32 bit  select expand

    Right click on WGT Golf  select maximize.

    Right click on WGT

    Doing this makes it play like full screen without some of the drawbacks of  full screen, Thanks to Scott Hope for this gem


  • ScottHope
    10,645 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2022 12:41 PM

    Thanks Joe, but it won't show the taskbar like he wants. I did point him to one of my apps earlier which should give him what he's after, but maybe he didn't want to try it.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2022 3:29 PM


    Thanks Joe, but it won't show the taskbar like he wants. I did point him to one of my apps earlier which should give him what he's after, but maybe he didn't want to try it.

    Scott, Does your "UnityGameResizer.exe" Tool work with Win11? If it does that's what I would suggest to use.

    But first rockinroller I would use the built in "Resolution" option in the Launcher App. It's right above the Display Mode "Full Screen/Window" option. Put it back to "window" and then start changing the Resolution option starting with the lowest setting (1024x768) then hit "Apply Changes" if everything still fits in your screen chose "keep changes" if it is cut off hit revert. Try all 5 options and see if one works for you.

    If not I would try the tool I was mentioning above to manually set the Launcher window size.

    rockinroller, as far as what I use. I don't personally like the full screen mode as I prefer to just have the game as a standard Windows window and I also find in Full Screen that its just too big (but maybe that's because I originally played the game on my 6" Smartphone for 2-3 years) On my PC setup I have a 19" 3:4(not widescreen) monitor and have my Launcher window set to be about 1/2" smaller than my screen all the way around. I set this up using Scott's Unity Game Resizer Tool (that I mentioned above) using the "The Resizer" option.

  • ScottHope
    10,645 Posts
    Sat, May 7 2022 11:46 PM

    Scott, Does your "UnityGameResizer.exe" Tool work with Win11? If it does that's what I would suggest to use.

    Yes it does Marchie, but I think it may be too comprehensive for rockin's needs. I have much simpler solutions if he just wants to make the most of his screen size. Either way, if he wants any more info I expect he'll be back.

  • rockinroller
    11 Posts
    Sun, May 8 2022 2:17 PM

    I went to that app but got all kinds of warnings about it being potentially unsafe, so I didn't proceed.

  • rockinroller
    11 Posts
    Sun, May 8 2022 2:19 PM

    Thanks for that.  Yep, I tried all those resolutions under "Window" but the Window never got more than maybe 75% of the area of my screen at best.  And, like you, I do not like playing in "Full Screen".  For one thing, the resolution is not as crystal clear as it used to be in Window mode (which used to fill my screen area in Windows 10).  Plus that annoying absence of the taskbar bottom area of the computer screen.

  • rockinroller
    11 Posts
    Sun, May 8 2022 2:26 PM

    I went through all that on Task Manager, did the Maximize, and yes it fills the screen but back to losing the task bar area at the bottom.  Thanks for the suggestion anyway.