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10/26 Update/Bug Fixes

Thu, Nov 10 2022 1:16 PM (52 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 11:27 AM

    Daily Grind in Achievements still has not been fixed. 

  • Dneirf
    438 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 11:40 AM


    would like to extend this delayed warm welcome to World Golf Tour as one of our Moderators and Staff.

    Wait ! What ? I am probably reading this wrong as usual .

    Does this mean that this is now WGTDneirf ?

    Your only error here is being that you did not apply any backspin while reading the post, thus manifesting an incorrect and unofficial posting that of WGTDneirf thereafter.

    By applying exactly 99.9% backspin manifests the correct and official posting that of: frienDWGT

    By the way, Thanks for the warm welcome back in an few posts back pdb1

    God Bless and remember the Goals,


  • SamSpayed
    4,998 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 12:51 PM


    What he has done though , simply cannot go without notice and praise .

    Well done and thank you Nico .

    Well said, Paul.  I am often one of WGT's harshest critics here in the Forums (as you know), but I will say that in the time Nico has been here, communications between the Community and WGT have improved 1000% compared to how they were before he arrived.  This thread with the detailed release notes is just one example.  Thank you for keeping us up-to-date, Nico.

  • dad19733
    168 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 2:56 PM

    I'm noticing today some changes in surveys, really a whole new format. 

    I also have run into an error where it won't load them from the mobile app.  I get an error saying,  connectivity issues.  Anyone else run into this?


  • WGTNico
    635 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 3:23 PM

    Thanks everyone for the kind words (and the award)

    We're still trying to end this year strong and we're trying to get friends UI to its finished state 

    what we already have with friends UI in game:

    1. the ever requested dots are back! 
    2. last second we were able to add in the ability to remove more than one friend at a time in game. Click edit friends then you can can click on more than one name to remove them. This is something that won't be used too much but is a really convenient QoL thing to have

    some of what's still to come with friends UI:

    1. In the future referrals will come back and suggested friends will come in, which should allow players to actually see their last few coin game opponents as well to possibly friend request them
    2. Block Friends will be held in the app rather than linking out to the website (big fan of this one)
    3. when sending invites to someone in your friend list to join your country club, it won't already recommend/show people already in your club

    There's nothing else "major" to still come this year but we're still hoping for general QoL fixes when we can add them in there, and hopefully continue making progress on Leaderboardv2. Since many people like to take PTO towards the end of the year as well as holidays approaching, our next couple downtimes will be happening at earlier dates than normal.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 3:40 PM

    We're still trying to end this year strong and we're trying to get friends UI to its finished state 

    Biggest improvement of the new version IMO...Appreciate having this working very much.


    what we already have with friends UI in game:


    1. the ever requested dots are back! 
    2. last second we were able to add in the ability to remove more than one friend at a time in game. Click edit friends then you can can click on more than one name to remove them. This is something that won't be used too much but is a really convenient QoL thing to have

    Nice on the ability to remove multiples at once, another huge improvement.


    some of what's still to come with friends UI:


    1. In the future referrals will come back and suggested friends will come in, which should allow players to actually see their last few coin game opponents as well to possibly friend request them
    2. Block Friends will be held in the app rather than linking out to the website (big fan of this one)
    3. when sending invites to someone in your friend list to join your country club, it won't already recommend/show people already in your club

    Nico, On the blocking- in the past when you block a player- it stops them from chatting with you, friending you, posting on your "wall" but did not stop us from being paired in join a game, Will the new way also block them from joining a game hosted by someone who has them blocked?