PugsAce: Belated TY's are in order, YJ. :))
LOL. Tx, Pug, but none necessary. That msconfig file gets treated like the red headed step child and ignored more times than not. We have the same meter so I guess we're the fortunate ones.
I did discover something that was causing an occasional problem recently. I was getting a consistent putting meter stuttering that showed up out of nowhere. The other meters, tee and fairway, were fine. Since I played with nothing else going on I thought it should be easy to figure out. It took a few looks but when I checked the processes running I noticed AVG activity. Checking that control panel showed the most recent update right when I started having the trouble. It was time stamped so easy to see. That scheduled update of the anti-virus program was causing the problem. Rebooting the system immediately erased the stutter.
The moral of the story is to know how your anti virus update schedule, and any other automatic updates for that matter, coincide with your gameplay.