andyson: This is bordering on epic. I listen to
MLB.Com while playing. It used to be if there was an issue then oh
well, I live with it. Now, open Firefox, set it to run on core1. Open
Iron to play, set it to run on core0 and we are PHAT!
Clever manipulation there, Andy. Next time include the date of that post because I haven't used Iron in a very long time. Shame on you for that.
andyson: You still setting affinity?
Nope. Don't need to.
andyson: You run Komodo Dragon no? Another hoop.
DLing a free browser is jumping through a hoop?
andyson: Since you are a "miss the ding" type player
No, I'm not. Ding is king. Missing to aim is passé and totally counterproductive to the accuracy of the R11s.
andyson: What do you change on your PC to get a smooth meter Jim?
Cleaned out the garbage from the msconfig startup. Period. Call this jumping through a hoop and I'll say hogwash-it should be the first thing anybody does on a new computer.
You can't come up with a reason why I don't have to do anything special on my 3 year old, Vista 64 bit laptop-there isn't one. Sorry.