If I may;
I run a;
P4 3.2 (Ancient boat anchor)
3G Ram
100.0 Mbs cable internet connection
EVGA GT520 Vid card 2G
AM I missing anything?
I listen to music and/or yap on ventrilo
I can use an extra browser window, believe it or not
I have my browser set to clear cache on exit
I rarely remember to uncheck Loop
I don't have that many friends yet(lol)
I turn on angles and leave background load off
I run the game on high, full screen, all animations
I didn't see a difference with Game Booster
Now, I rarely have a sticky meter. If I am lucky and see it stutter, I can let it go through and just practice swing. To allow a practice swing may help smooth it as well. Not sure. Don't quote me on that.
I am A+ & Network + literate(well, semi-literate lol) so I can do certain things. But, I was taught most of that long before my certifications.
Also, with the internet, there is really nothing you can't learn. Google is my home page and I use it a lot. Youtube also has many USEFUL videos, not just ***.. Teach yourself some things, ask lots of questions. Most people like to teach others.
I have issue with WGT. ALL for other threads though. lol
Things you have to be honest with yourself on;
1.) I surf questionable sites. I'll leave it at that. lol
2.) I download a lot of music and other files. Never know what you'll pick up.
3.) I don't do routine maintenance like I should, or don't know how.
Knowledge isn't a "hoop".
Good luck out there!