I have seen a number of pros use this shot from time to time. I played a course a few years back with a large bunker in the center of the green, if you hit to the wrong spot you basically had no choice but to attempt to pitch or flop it off the green if you wanted to get close. However in a friendly game, I am not going to take a chunk out of the green for something like that. Just putt around it when it doesnt matter.
In WGT the greens aren't real.....I know what shocks some of you like the Easter Bunny not being real.....so there is no real divot.
I would like WGT to ban this shot by just making the only option on the green a putter. In today's game using a wedge is just a way to avoid a break, an uphill putt etc. I know they took the spin off it but let's just do away with it WGT.