LOL, I'm tryin'... geez!!! ;)
The goal of the game is to get the ball in the hole with the fewest strokes possible, yes? Do what it takes to get there (and no, I don't wedge on the course myself...but would if I were any good at it :P
Do what ya gotta do, p! You're f*ckawesome!!
LOL p!!!!
This is my new awesome friend that's teaching me how to play good (or solid, at least)... was just messing with him!
But aww, you stood up for me? love it! Thank you!!! ;)
Green wedging is the future. Invest now.
if you know its legal then why are you saying ban it. your credits are on the line but its virtual money. when phil mickelson is doing it what you think its for free? heck no its mostly likely for a 40000 check in a tournament. so whats the difference? you just play your best and if you get beat then the other player was better at the moment.
I am always getting a wedgie..
Where are the local courses"around here"?
bryant1:while it may be a legal shot in real golf, it is very seldom used although i have seen it. But the way it's being used on this site, especially when money is involved is plain and simple wussy golf. Knuckleheads using it for damn near every putt except the shortest. The local courses around here would have your ass in jail if they caught you doing it on every green for every putt. Learn how to fricken putt !
tried it once , didnt work for me. Cant ban what u cant see