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Ban Wedge Putting

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 19 2013 12:42 PM (54 replies)
  • jaderoks
    571 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 7:31 PM



    nothing wrong here.

    if it ain't against the rules...there ain't a lot anyone can do to stop it.


    same with this one, look at that lie! you want to try to putt that one???

    Both great shots. I would have tried to do the same thing. I've only tried it a few times, but I know it counts as a putt as far as stats are concerned


  • Sasa820
    257 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 9:03 PM


    You must be talking to a different p, Sasa!  You know I'd NEVER leave you with a 100 ft. putt!  


  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 9:14 PM


    While I agree that it can be OVERUSED, what are you going to do when faced with a 100 foot putt with rough, trap, or fringe between you and the hole? 3 PUTT???

    I think not!!

    Any club on any surface!!!! that's the RULE

    Agree totally.  While I can't imagine being more successful on 20 footers with a wedge than putter, there are several instances where I will freely punch a wedge from the green.

    Riveria is the most prominent course on the PGA where players regularly pitch from the green when they get on the wrong side of the bunker in the middle of that par 3 green.  The second most in STA 17.  With that back pin, if you leave shot short on front of green punch is about your only way to get down in 2.

    If someone is more adept at sinking 30 footers with wedge than putter then that's their prerogative.  I will say I'll happily player anyone who wants to pitch on every green for however much they want to play for.

    IRL, lag putting from outside 50 feet is probably the weakest part of my game, while chipping and pitching is my strength.  I carry a 6 hdcp but will often play a bump and run on long uphill putts.

  • tjos
    231 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 9:39 PM

    C'mon guys,    lets say I'm on 17   St. Andrews.   Bollox and I are even.  He is 4 yds from the hole and I'm stuck down on the first part of the green with the big hump in between my putt and the hole.  I know ( because I've practiced the wedge shot)   that I can get within inches of the hole to at least par the hole along with Bollox' s par putt.  What moron wouldn't use that shot if he knew how to get close, and I mean very close to the hole.  In other words,  why is this post even existing,   nobody gives a flying crap how you win a hole as long as you win it or come out even with your opponent.    (Except of course)  Yes we have the very proper,  tea sipping cup drinkers with their one finger in the air poo pooing a perfectly legal shot.    GET A  LIFE.

  • duval1984
    65 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 2:50 AM

    AHHHH the wedge on green shot i love it. have replays saved. incase you dont know how to do it just set up to full swing apply full backspin on the ball and hit it twice the distance it says. so 4 yards id hit around 8-10 yards. just posted best round of 60 in best of stroke play and that shot gave me a eagle and 4 birds that were pretty much impossible putts to make due to the slopes. if it gets you in the hole i dont care how you do it.

  • Dianne81
    773 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 3:40 AM


    C'mon guys,    lets say I'm on 17   St. Andrews.   Bollox and I are even.  He is 4 yds from the hole and I'm stuck down on the first part of the green with the big hump in between my putt and the hole.  I know ( because I've practiced the wedge shot)   that I can get within inches of the hole to at least par the hole along with Bollox' s par putt.  

    If bollox is 4yrds ( 12ft ) from the pin. You better be doing your level best trying to hole out.  Bollox is  a short game and putting phenom. 

    Pretty much rarely  use the wedge on the green. Not because of a legality or etiquette issue instead because I've got LOADS of confidence in my putter.  When on the green, I'm thinking 1 putt for birdie, not wedge it close and 1 putt for par.   Occassionallly will pull it out wedge on  STA green  if have an obstruction like hill between me and the cup. Maybe I'll use that shot 1 out of 300 putts.   Im with Jake on this, put a putter in my hand  and Id play against someone who mostly uses a wedge on green any day. 


  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 4:49 AM

    I hit wedge shots on the green, not regularly but I'd say around the 5 - 10%. I think the notion of banning wedge shots on the green is ridiculous. On any straight-ish putt between 0 and 30ft, it'd be difficult to find a good player who'd sink a greater proportion of wedge shots than putts. 

    Sometimes I'll hit the wedge 'cause I'm lazy; its simply more convenient to play a shot I can execute in under 20 seconds. And some putts I don't have a chance of making, I'll take a 25% birdie with a wedge over a 20ft putt for par any day. For example, this one on Kiawah no. 5 on championship greens. replay.aspx?ID=6d08d698 eba7 409b a182 9faf01593e4d

  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 7:07 AM

    Sometimes you have to use as you have a bunker in your way.  I accidentally drove the green on #7 @ Andy's yesterday which put me behind the bunker over there.  The wedge was best option.

  • atcherservice
    6 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 7:28 AM

    what about the guy that's always using  his driver  and sinking 20 footers   can't recall his name . he uses punch and double yd..

  • Megan22
    2,115 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 7:48 AM're dangerous with a putter! I'd put you and your putter up against someone with a wedge, measuring tape, some kind of magnetized ball with a magnet in the cup, and they get the hole a foot wider.  Just sayin' =)