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Ban Wedge Putting

rated by 0 users
Sun, May 19 2013 12:42 PM (54 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 4:11 PM

    the RULES are "any club on any surface" What is there to not understand????

    It's one thing to be right. It's a whole different thing respecting the game as it was meant to be played.

  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 4:29 PM


    the RULES are "any club on any surface" What is there to not understand????

    It's one thing to be right. It's a whole different thing respecting the game as it was meant to be played.

    I agree Jim, as I said in another thread somewhere, "Just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should do it" 

    The shot should be the exception not the rule. As when you are obstructed, or the line to the hole in interrupted by something, or its a 150ft putt over multiple breaks and elevations.

    Using it cause you can't putt for S*** is not respecting the game!!!! 

  • peoch
    1,127 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 4:30 PM

    what i say was that I think it`s wrong. i didnt say that it is wrong it`s all up to u. can we close this nagging no? :-)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 4:36 PM


    what i say was that I think it`s wrong. i didnt say that it is wrong it`s all up to u. can we close this nagging no? :-)

    OK, how about that 67 goat of yours, then. Nice car. 326 or 389?  I raced a 64 myself.  :-)

  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 4:47 PM



    what i say was that I think it`s wrong. i didnt say that it is wrong it`s all up to u. can we close this nagging no? :-)

    OK, how about that 67 goat of yours, then. Nice car. 326 or 389?  I raced a 64 myself.  :-)

    OMG when I was at Mare Island in the Navy in 1973 I had a '66 389 4bbl Automatic. When you really punched it the gas gauge would move LOL. Drove it too hard and threw a rod, couldn't afford to fix it. 

    Wish I had the forethought to keep it.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 5:07 PM

    while it may be a legal shot in real golf, it is very seldom used although i have seen it. But the way it's being used on this site, especially when money is involved is plain and simple wussy golf. Knuckleheads using it for damn near every putt except the shortest. The local courses around here would have your ass in jail if they caught you doing it on every green for every putt. Learn how to fricken putt !

    In accordance with USGA rules it allowed and thus since this site follows USGA rules it is therefore legal. I personally have seen Phil Mikelson use a wedge on the green as did someone recently during the event that tiger won if I remember correctly.

  • peoch
    1,127 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 5:19 PM

    this car have been mine for 25 year no i have restored it from top to bottom, engine 455cui, 5 gear shift, dana 60 rear axel, 100 octan fuel, cose to 500 hp, its faster then porches and fat audis and so on its just a killer.  

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 6:10 PM

    nothing wrong here.

    if it ain't against the rules...there ain't a lot anyone can do to stop it.


  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 6:44 PM

    When somebody beats me putting with a wedge, maybe I'll give it a try.  So far i haven't seen anyone beat a good flat stick.  Virtual divots aren't the issue.  Strokes are the issue.  If you putt with a wedge, what are your putting stats???

  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2012 7:06 PM


    nothing wrong here.

    if it ain't against the rules...there ain't a lot anyone can do to stop it.


    same with this one, look at that lie! you want to try to putt that one???