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Players that Leave early, default

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 29 2010 3:45 PM (26 replies)
  • Gorlo
    2 Posts
    Sat, Jan 16 2010 6:26 PM
    Players that leave early not to upset or maintain their average. Solve it this way, you have a chance to log out 10 times before disrupting your average, but your score should be reflected after that, I'm fed up with cheats.
  • moezambeak
    224 Posts
    Sat, Jan 16 2010 6:46 PM


  • SanteeJack
    121 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 1:47 AM

    How about a penalty such as no play for a week?

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:36 AM

    I had one yesterday on St. Andrews.  Had a NICE round with him chatted back and forth amicably the entire time AND THEN we get to the 9th green and he says "I probably shouldn't finish this round" - and he disconnects.  We had already exchanged pleasantries and added as "Friends".

    He completely ruined it with that.  This sort of babyish "My average! My average!" style nonsense I have NO tolerance for.  We were both PAR-ish maybe slightly above.  SHOULD BE no big deal - it's a new course.

    My OWN average is UP lately - and I don't care - I am here for fun - and it is egregious when someone wrecks it with this unsportsmanlike behavior.

    I sent him a message explaining this disappointment in his failure to complete - and immediatley UNfriended him.  I explained that "My Friends list is populated with reliable players who FINISH - not quit."

    Onwards..... AtlantaCoaster

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 6:47 AM

    Big deal.  I've played with most of the best players on here, and virtually all (myself included) have bailed on rounds on the final hole.  Sometimes I just want to play a carefree round with friends, about the only reason to have it be ranked at all is to get credit for an ace or double eagle or whatever.  Also when playing multiplayer with friends I usually hit all my shots in 15 seconds or less.  It is far from a true measure of my ability as I often take a very long time over shots playing solo.


    Or how about the cost of balls,  if I'm just having a ho-hum average round, and have a 30 footer for birdie on the last hole, that is likely 2 putts.  The GI-SD balls do not give you all that many hits and are not cheap, the 2 shots that I just wasted finishing a meh round is costing me credits.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 7:22 AM

    Or how about the cost of balls,  if I'm just having a ho-hum average round, and have a 30 footer for birdie on the last hole, that is likely 2 putts.  The GI-SD balls do not give you all that many hits and are not cheap, the 2 shots that I just wasted finishing a meh round is costing me credits.

    Putts don't count in the wear factor. 

    Leaving on the 9th is no big deal. Leaving on the 2nd or 3rd is.I will often suggest it to the opp as their option if they want. When playing with friends and having a good time you don't often really care about the result as BB points out. You do things you might not if you were playing serious, like trying a new shot or something.

    If you need to have every single round completed to qualify as a friend then what's really important in that friendship?

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 8:05 AM


    Big deal.  I've played with most of the best players on here, and virtually all (myself included) have bailed on rounds on the final hole.  Sometimes I just want to play a carefree round with friends, about the only reason to have it be ranked at all is to get credit for an ace or double eagle or whatever.  Also when playing multiplayer with friends I usually hit all my shots in 15 seconds or less.  It is far from a true measure of my ability as I often take a very long time over shots playing solo.


    Yes.  You are proud of yourself.  It does not justify walking out on a round on the other player(s).  But your average is safe.  Good for you.

    It is exactly this kind of ego-maniacal response that causes some of the newer players here to disdain the "Elite" level players.


  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 8:16 AM

    wtf does my average matter?  One day its 55 another day its 61.  If I gave a rats ass I could keep it much lower than it is.

    Its ridic how hungup people get on averages, it really means absolutely nothing.

    Player A and player B could be IDENTICAL in skill, and have averages that are never close to one another simply based on what they choose to play. 

    If player A is excluded from ready goes, they may enjoy playing for low scores in unlimited tourneys.  If he/she is competing for the top score in a tourney OBVIOUSLY they are going to quit rounds as playing out shitty ones is a complete waste of time.  Clearly they are going to have an average far lower than someone playing a large # of ready gos, or another person that chooses to finish all their rounds.


    Oh and YJ, you'd think I'd have realized that by now, thx for pointing that out.

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 8:28 AM

    I am re-reading this thread - and I think I'd prefer to recast the "tone" of this discussion.

    I am guilty of having to help escalate it myself.

    Not interested in ARGUING with YJ or BiB - all have valid points.

    My Point is simply that it is frustrating and disappointing to me when other player(s) quit.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2010 8:34 AM

    I would completely agree with you that if you are looking for a pickup game with a random player it is annoying for them to quit early on in the round.  But I don't see where there is an issue with them choosing not to putt in on the final hole.  It really has no impact on you whatsoever if they do so.  Just  take averages for what they are, a small reflection of ones ability.