I would like an official response to know whether I can use it, as it for sure would be very helpful, especially with the new TM putter that has a big hole in the avatar movements.
Thanks YJ for the added info and bringing it more to light.
The only problem I can see is it could be possibly maniupated in the future to actual intereact with the meter. From a software perspective its probably possible, though I'm not sure on the actual particulars of the software in question, it would probably have to be re-written entirely thus making it all new so maybe infact the current piece does NOT have the capabilty, not sure, programming was never my strength.
At any rate I did see the same testament that you made before, that essentially it is just a piece of tape over the meter. I fear because it is software and not official WGT may not like the idea but you never know, we can hope.