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New and Struggling!!!

Tue, May 1 2012 9:49 AM (40 replies)
  • Boquerone
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 12:55 AM

    Hi Fellow "Golfers".

                                   Although I say I,m new to WGT I have actually been playing for about two months. I really enjoy playing and to date have only entered the CTTH and Stroke play tournaments while I try to get the hang of the game.

    However I,m finding it very frustrating (as in real golf?) getting accuracy during rounds. As I,m still learning I write down how I approach every hole so that next time I can adjust power,speed and direction accordingly.This does,nt always work though as I can play it brilliant one time and the next using the exact same trajectory and accuracy it will be all over the place!

    I,ve watched the tutorials and tried to learn and while my driving and long shots on stroke play are ok my putting is lamentable.

    Can any of you guys give me a few tips on how to get consistent accuracy? My BIGGEST problem is when the line is running to the "strike" position and clicking it dead on centre.Is there a knack to getting this right?

    Many problems here but I,m keen to do well and know that practice is necessary but it,s depressing when yo don,t progress.

    I can,t believe when I look at Leaderboards how guys can get these top scores.

    ANY help and advice will be GREATLY appreciated and when I have a bit more confidence and skill I look forward to palying with and against some of you.

    Cheers for now.

  • bsnewbert
    44 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 4:01 AM

    it's just my opinion but you may be just playing the wrong rounds.  when i first started i never dared to play tourneys or ctth.  i just practised on some of the easy courses to start with.  kiawiah is good to start with and the more you play the better you get.  i dont really think theres a secret. ( this month ctth the leader is 46ft for 9 holes, i am 217ft!!!) lol

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 4:09 AM


    You will find that this is the best game for friendship and advice. 

    Just a couple of suggestions:

    With your putting you need to read this post in the forums. Its called ''Putting Tips: Distance Control.You will find it here;

    The person who wrote it has used the Starter Putter as the example of this post.

    In my opinion it is a must read. Helped me tremendously and I still refer to it now.

    It explains how the movements of the Avatar equates to distance.

    Also, if you are missing the ding consistently try using a higher distance putter on the meter. It cuts the distance you have to move the bar up. Makes it easier to hit the ding.

    For example, if you have a putt of 12 ft, do not use the 15ft strength putter, move it up to the 30ft by using the up, down arrows next to the distance box at the end of the meter. Then you only have to move the bar half the distance.

    Don't forget, as well, if it is going uphill or down hill you will need to add or subtract 1 ft of power for every 1 inch of rise or fall. Then you have to work out any beak in the putting Line. That just takes practice. I have found it best to always check the line of the break from behind the hole as well as in front.

    Hope you can understand this but if not it is all explained in the above post a lot better than mine.

    Hope this helps.

    Good golfing


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 6:11 AM

    Lots of things are important in this game, most of the game is dependent on not only your ability but that of your equipment as well.  Starter clubs only have a certain amount of consistency built into them just as real life clubs do, smaller "sweet spots", different lofts and lies, etc.  As you move up you will find that you do need better equipment and the choices are varied depending on your playing style.

    I have been playing for about 4 1/2 months now and even though I have achieved Legend level, I really don't feel I am the best to give advice, but I will share with you what I have done and it seemed to help me a lot.  What ever clubs you have or decide upon, learn them well, know what you can get out of each club and practice them daily.  I use practice rounds and sometimes I will hit irons only with the exceptional drive to get the ball to where using irons won't cost me a ball or give me an unacceptable lie.  and work on your short game a lot, play the CTTH as much as you can, that will help you with your short game, it will prove vital as you move up.

    Read the forums a lot, especially read the topics on issues that you are having trouble with.  Most of them have excellent responses in them from players that have been here since day one and they can give you valuable information and advice on what to do or how to do it.  You will find some of them really helpful and there are a handful of posters that offer nothing but criticism but read their posts carefully because if you look beyond the criticism there is useful information in there.

    start looking at equipment, you can really get rid of a lot of frustrations by taking the plunge and getting some better equipment, HUGE gains from that.

  • Silverslugger
    5 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 5:09 PM

    this game is all "feel", it takes time to get better, don't even try to play "ANY" of the USGA courses at first, just play st. andrews and kiawah...getting the right clubs is key as well, try out a few sets for a fews rnds each before you make a purchase...also, in my opinion, using upgraded balls is "THE DIFFERENCE MAKER", you can get ones that slow your meter, improve your accuracy, and lengthen your drives...the balls are the key!!!  plus i am on an 80 consecutive days played streak in order for me to be shooting 29's...

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 5:47 PM

    Creativity is the key to progress. Every shot has this built in value. Experiment with hitting early or late on all shots including the putter. Learn the pitch, chip and flop along with the punch with any club in the bag. Discover the variety of what can be done.

  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Mon, Feb 6 2012 6:29 PM

    ANY help and advice will be GREATLY appreciated

    Boquerone, I only say this with respect....but you may be boring yourself to death also. You are not playing any Alternate Shot, or Match Play and you have no listed friends.

    I see on your stats you have no record of any match play at all. This has been a solo endeavor for you, I am here to tell you, we learn from each other and it is also a community and we have a lot of fun.....consider a Country Club maybe?

    Mingle, mingle, mingle.



  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 11:45 AM


    we learn from each other and it is also a community and we have a lot of fun.....consider a Country Club maybe?

    This is excellent advice.  The club I'm in offers loads of help and encouragement to anyone who wants it.  There are also regular tournaments to win clubs sponsored by other members, often aimed specifically at players in the lower tiers who will most benefit from new gear.

    Not sure if there are any vacancies at the moment but if you fancy it feel free to post on Will's wall.  Or on mine and I can ask for you.

  • stramazza
    3 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2012 9:52 PM



    You will find that this is the best game for friendship and advice. 

    Just a couple of suggestions:

    With your putting you need to read this post in the forums. Its called ''Putting Tips: Distance Control.You will find it here;


    that tutorial was impressive. Yet I miss some tips about the angle to draw: everytime I miss it for a few inches. Is there a method calculating how much space leaving from left/right the hole?

    1,141 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 2:21 AM

    strange magic....

    said what i was going to say....

    have some fun man.... quit beating ya head against the wall trying to win turny's ..
