You will find that this is the best game for friendship and advice.
Just a couple of suggestions:
With your putting you need to read this post in the forums. Its called ''Putting Tips: Distance Control.You will find it here;
The person who wrote it has used the Starter Putter as the example of this post.
In my opinion it is a must read. Helped me tremendously and I still refer to it now.
It explains how the movements of the Avatar equates to distance.
Also, if you are missing the ding consistently try using a higher distance putter on the meter. It cuts the distance you have to move the bar up. Makes it easier to hit the ding.
For example, if you have a putt of 12 ft, do not use the 15ft strength putter, move it up to the 30ft by using the up, down arrows next to the distance box at the end of the meter. Then you only have to move the bar half the distance.
Don't forget, as well, if it is going uphill or down hill you will need to add or subtract 1 ft of power for every 1 inch of rise or fall. Then you have to work out any beak in the putting Line. That just takes practice. I have found it best to always check the line of the break from behind the hole as well as in front.
Hope you can understand this but if not it is all explained in the above post a lot better than mine.
Hope this helps.
Good golfing