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Travels with a toothpick

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Wed, Feb 22 2012 5:48 AM (13 replies)
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  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 3:42 AM

    Whilst on the subject of head phones I would like to add edification to anyone who received for Christmas a pair of sub standard, over hyped noise conducting semi sonic devices.

    I found myself in the kitchens earlier and to be honest, anyone else could have found me there too, had they been looking. Now whilst I wasn't actually looking myself for myself, it would be well to add that finding oneself in the kitchen is to be well found indeed. This is a place where I find to my joy not only the means to sate ones hunger for consumable items such as carrot and artichoke soup for instance, but also a place of indescribable excitement and adventure in the way of esperimentation, what with such innumerable and plentiful supply of raw material.

    I expect most kitchens, like ours, have two or more telephony devices scattered about the place, ours has three which is quite lucky in some ways given that I had to dismantle two of them in order to produce offspring from my research and development into head phones.

    Due to Cooks redoubtable diligence, I was also able to procure two full kitchen rolls. Actually I found eight, but six were ruined in the cause, two catching fire when I tried to crisp them up a bit under the kettle hook, two spontaneously combusted in the bread oven and a further (and the final) two became so swollen by their soaking with the peas, that they became unfit for realistic service.

    Anyway, having dismantled the earpiece of each of the two phones with a paring knife and salad fork, I was able to wedge them satisfactorily one inside each of the remaining kitchen rolls, padding the few small gaps around them with a mixture of pastry dough and some of last nights Vichy Soir. Leaving some wire bits sticking out, I then took my prototype to the drawing room and wedged the loose ends into various apertures on the radiogram using some of cooks matches. I am hopeful that cook does not read this because of the ban on my using matches following that unfortunate incident, which I am hasty to tell, was not technically my fault.

    Admittedly there was some degree of esperimentation before a satisfactory result could be gained, and actual sound was emitted from each of the speaker devices.

    There thus remained but the opportunity to fashion some way of affixing the kitchen rolls, the ear things and the wire to my ears. This I achieved eventually by surreptitiously sneaking up to the lane and removing some of the police tape which is currently marking the boundaries to some freak accident or other which I had nothing to do with and have a perfectly good alibi for.

    By wrapping each kitchen roll with this very useful tape, using a sheet bend to begin, then a half hitch, and joining the two loose ends with an open sheepshank (because you may need to adjust for a comfort fit, obviously- not everyone's head is as perfectly shaped as mine) , I was able to achieve the optimum placement. Now you should understand that my design is in the infant stages, and this is partly why at present, I have to lie on the floor with my head supported by eight copies of Tatler, and one Good Housekeeping owing to its abundance of adverts, in order to achieve maximum listening pleasure.

    Yes of course there are still tiny teentsie little niggles to sort out and administer correction to, but overall, I think my product compares favourable with less over engineered specimens available commercially. For instance, I do not recommend your listening pleasure be accompanied by wet dogs, and nor should you try it out whilst wrapped only in a green fluffy towel. These trivialities aside however, you are sure to delight in your new appliance, providing you find a strong container in which to keep them when not in use, in order to deter the kitchen mice from eating most of the wadding described earlier.

    My next project, already in early stages, is a mechanical ambush device for kitchen mice.


    Lizzie xx

  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 6:26 AM

    LOL,  you are so out there, how lucky.

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 6:46 AM

    This has to remain secret so as to not give away any identities, but I got a call from someone, who we'll call Cook, a few minutes ago saying that some girl of high standing, who we'll call Lizzie, for ease you understand because it's easy to type, keeps coming into her kitchen and taking things, breaking things apart, and other such nonsense.  She said the latest escapade included demolishing some telephone handsets and now she can't call down to the local grocery store which is 5 miles away.  With Lambert (I assume he's part of the household) being tied up - I didn't question why he was tied up or by whom, but I'm sure there were reasons - she had to walk to the grocery store herself to fetch fowl, vegetables, bread, and a 56lb bag of potatoes for dinner tonight.  Obviously not all the potatoes will be for tonight, but one doesn't go buying potatoes every day.  And anyway, potatoes can come in handy for other things too; they're hard you know.

    Anyway, I asked why she didn't take the car and she told me it was on account of the lane from the house to the main road being blocked by police; they are apparently investigating the mass collection of green bins at the top of the lane.  She did also say that when she went by the police were questioning passers-by, mostly dog walkers, as to the whereabouts of their tape which restricted access to the lane as it had somehow mysteriously disappeared right before their eyes, as if by magic into thin air.

    Well, she's home now and cooking dinner.  She said she will have to complain about the new cleaner the mistress of the house (that's Lizzie, the girl of high standing) has brought in; Cook found pieces of cheese on the floor of her kitchen.  That's very unhygienic and could attract mice.  Strange thing is, some of the pieces of cheese had wires embedded, and the other ends attached to a car battery - Cook will also have a word with Lizzie about the chauffeur about where he leaves these car batteries, the kitchen is not the place for them.  She thinks he is trying a new battery-charging experiment using cheese; must have watched it on Top Gear.

    With all that talk of food, I'm hungry, so it's off to get something to eat.  And remember, not a word of this to anyone; I swore her secret would be safe with me.

  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 7:39 AM

    ..................and my ex-girlfriends never understood why I would tell them to "stfu" all the time........haha

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 7:58 AM

    Following the phone call from Cook I got to thinking.  I needed to take a drive.  I put my shoes and coat on and stepped out of the house.  It was damn cold.  I unlocked the car and sat inside.  My Wotsits were frozen; I had ran out of ordinary crisps and had to do with Wotsits cheese puffs, and I had inadvertently left a half empty (or half full) bag in the car overnight, and now they were frozen.  Doesn't matter, I didn't like them anyway.

    The temperature gauge showed 1 degree celsius.  But with the non-existentent wind yet apparent chill, it felt more like -20.  The drive seemed long, but I got there eventually.  I walked to the front door which was open.  A young girl, relatively speaking, stood before me.

    "What do you want?" she said, pointing at me.

    "Er...".  I was taken aback.  No, not out back, aback!  "Er...", I said again, "fish and chips please".

    My hunger would now be satisfied.

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 2:18 PM

    I've had another call, an anonymous one, to say I shouldn't believe everything Cook says.  She has been known to take a swig or six from the old bottle and her 'stories', as convincing as they may sound, cannot normally be verified.  The caller then broke up whilst explaining as to why the stories could not be verified.  So I guess we'll never know the truth.

  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 3:24 PM



    I CAN'T HEAR YOU !!!! 




  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Tue, Feb 7 2012 6:28 PM

    So... Dickens...

    A Tale of Two Writers. 


  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Wed, Feb 8 2012 5:07 AM

    Hi Lizzie,

    Here you go - suitable accompaniment for your kitchen  'noise conducting semi sonic devices'?

    More power to your toothpick btw.




  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Feb 22 2012 3:27 AM

    Have you ever noticed how a dog likes apples? I have.

    Specifically he will carry it around and nurture it for days and days and days before finally bringing it to me and dropping it neatly, but wet, into my hand. I see this as him taking care that I am not poisoned by any chemicals that might have been used to bring the apple to fruition. So this made me ruminate so deeply about the nature of nurture, and its possible co-dependancy with chemicals, that I decided a series of speriments was overdue.

    Now I know that some animal rightists might at this point be disposed to frown, which by the way makes you look ugly, it can be used to good effect in local taverns when you wish to mingle with the ordinary people, or at football matches when you end up in the Tottenham end because you sneaked in without paying, but alas I do not and never did propose to employ my dog for these experiments, because on a fundamental level, this would of course be very wrong.

    No, I decided to use Lambert, and took the executive decision to start speriments on a placebo basis, meaning I did not tell him, so that he couldn't fake the results for sympathy, which I feel sure he would have knowing to how he is disposed to eke out the drama in any given situation.

    A trip to the attics over the stables produced a dusty yet almost complete chemistry set, the very same one as was hidden from me following a small fire which devastated the Christmas tree of the time, a single curtain, two table cloths, a table leg and a furry animal toy minus the small electrical device which made it say "I wuv you" and a gigleeee.

    To my delight I found the only thing missing was the instructions and some what may have been alum powder, but that was hard to ascertain since I remembered having peeled off all the labels in an earlier attempt to discover if humans could tell which chemical was which, simply by taste. I found that I could, although there was a minor flaw in that without labels, I had no way of knowing whether or not I was correct.

    Having decided to set up my laboratory in this attic, so that my discovery would remain a distant concern, I quickly made preparations and using an old school chemistry book, in which I had drawn dolphins eating flowers right alongside elements of the periodic table, I wrote in my neatest hand, METHOD, RESULT and OBSERVATIONS. Immediately underneath each heading, I drew more dolphins eating flowers, just as it appeared I had been taught at school. My preparations now complete, I began.

    Using a grubby pouch which I had earlier relieved Lambert of, which contained a substance known as Black Shag, or by Cook as, " that disgusting stuff ", I added to the loathsome coils of some long dead plant some grey powder, some glittery crystals, and some rusty iron filings.  Mixing them in well, using Cooks second blender in case she spotted her main one missing, I was soon satisfied that Lambert would never notice, notwithstanding the curiously added weight, on account of a slight slip whilst adding the rusty iron. I rested a while and had an inward chuckle at the word Shag, having heard several of the male guests at numerous dinner parties discussing it at length. I had no idea that so many elderly men ( that is, above 30 ) had such an enduring interest in ornithology. I have loads of Shags down on the rocks by the beach, they fly in to rest their arms or wings or whatever and are distinguishable from Puffins because they are uniformly black, whereas a Puffin has a different beak.

    So far I am disappointed into thinking my speriment lacks vivacity, because although Lambert is loathe to be parted from his odious pouch, which indicates a form of protective nurture, he has definitely developed a definable twitch and ponderous propensity to walking almost with his knees together, which I am afraid goes against his normal gait, thus eliminating any aspect of nature, as in natural. I have heard him liken his current condition to that of having piles, which is an outright lie because I know for a fact most of his stipend goes on cider and what is left I take off him in our Wednesday evening Canasta sessions, which isn't really my fault, since he obstinately refuses to learn my rules, preferring instead to rely on those printed inside the card box, which are wrong.


    Lizzie xx

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