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New twist; Same story

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 25 2012 10:16 AM (46 replies)
  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 2:07 AM

    A short preface;  

    I'm not asking questions, not asking for help,  not asking for anything that might induce some response. I'm making a simple statement of my opinion's that some may not agree with.

     And that's just fine.  

    Of course, my point being don't bother to disagree because I could care less what you might think of my thoughts.

    I'm  playing an 18 hole  tournament when suddenly, SHA BAM, I'm beamed up from the 18th GREEN and dropped in front of a frigging paid commercial asking, of all things, which cleaning product I prefered from 6 different shown.

    This wasn't before the game  or those small ads between each hole but during the game as I was holding my putter. On the last hole. This hasn't happened before but then most of the tricks used to pick our pockets are new at the time. Newer ones just keep us off guard and under constant attack.

    Ok, so who the hell would rather  finish their game instead of doing their duty by answering these important questions in order  for WGT to make a few more coins so they can plow it back as new improvements that won't  work which will then make them a few more coins in order too...but pardon me!  I digress.

    So of course I answered that Mr. Clean could mop up all the others.

    But then I noticed I didn't know where I had landed. My game was gone, the window was gone, and I'm sure it's unnecessary to even mention the fact that I had just been forced to forfeit over 1/3 of my paid  "hits" on this ball. I had to manually exit the site because there was nothing to click.

    This is a twist on the well known and  used "were sorry we have an error"  that totally shuts that Alt game down.  Each person loses all earned points and again, all your prepaid and used ball hits Just think, 4 people forced to forfeit 16-20 hits each that add up to a combined loss of nearly one ball every time the game shuts down. And who knows how many foursomes are playing at any given time. This racket alone could easily cost thousands of balls per month, or maybe per week, or maybe per DAY.

    For some who can't, won't or maybe just to stupid to understand that this is REAL, This type of stealing is a REALITY. I don't care if it's a dime or a dollar, we are being STOLEN from on a slow and small but constant basis.  

    THIS IS NOT A DREAMED UP CONSPIRACY.. THIS IS A TRUE AND UNRELENTING FACT!!!!!    yes, only my opinion but I don't have to be run over by a truck to know it's going to hurt.

    And some here still don't have a clue of the many subtle, clever, devious, prevaricate, and plain out and out open thieving that  happens  non stop.

    The many varied ways of cheating and stealing from us could be better known if some would keep their mouth shut and ears open and actually try to THINK for themselves a little instead of the spew that gushes forth each time they contribute their  "original" thought.  .

    So was I  then able to return and finish my game???  Of course not! There was no game.

    I had been taken to the cleaners!  Literally...

    Now, before 14 people tell me that was caused because I needed to clean my cache, optimize my system,  wash and wax  my speakers, install new spark plugs and air cleaners in my computer and of course lets not forget the history delete and all the rest of that crap that no doubt must actually help someone,  but if it does I haven't  noticed a line forming to say "thanks"  for the help and allowing them to enjoy the game..

    Yes, this is merely my opinion, doesn't mean a thing, yet these opinions were formed by actual trials and tribulations experienced by me and many others. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 9:02 AM

    Now, before 14 people tell me

    Heh-You already said you weren't interested in answers and could care less what anybody else thinks. 

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 9:19 AM


    Now, before 14 people tell me

    Heh-You already said you weren't interested in answers and could care less what anybody else thinks. 


    "Ooo, Ooo, Ooo" <raises hand like Horshack> "I know, pick me!"


  • Rightin
    1,248 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 10:34 AM

    To put it in laymen terms: Yikes!  Ring around the collar, pay another dollar, and if you holler, your mind will only look smaller, especially to all these games that will mauler U.    Sheesh! my ball bag is empty, but oh so stretched, maybe I'll try another texted. Oh Oh! this is starting to sound like the roper doper, but I'll stick around cuz I like to play poker. Cracks will get U smacks on this site.  Live life well, and enjoy, shite happens, and sometimes we need collect ourselves, and just move on.    I just received my foot in mouth diploma.  Gottaluvnrepect the Skool of Hard Knocks.  

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 10:46 AM

    Yikes!  Ring around the collar, pay another dollar


    Another dissatisfied customer rant who will continue to play this game. And has already posted two scores today.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 11:06 AM

    I thought he was speaking of a legitimate and valid claim to unfairness. Put it very well too.

    I certainly would not welcome adverts at a time like that, especially if I lost the game to it also.

    Now we all know there are glitches and whotdumudings, but if this becomes the norm, I don't suppose for minute that any body will be all that enamoured now will they?

    Although I only read it once, I don't think I saw anywhere where it was stated that the OP was leaving either.

    I do like those adverts of the geek boy with his wifi hotspots and that girl who is trying to get his attention though, I wish to become avid in following the romance.


    Lizzie xx

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 11:33 AM

    Gottaluvnrepect the Skool of Hard Knocks



    Hey, put in an ad block program for your browser.  WGT has stated those types of adds don't come from their site.


  • borntobesting
    9,684 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 12:21 PM


    Gottaluvnrepect the Skool of Hard Knocks



    Hey, put in an ad block program for your browser.  WGT has stated those types of adds don't come from their site.


    True MB WGT says that ads that do pop up during the actual play of the game are not from them. Also Icon has asked if one does pop up during game play to take a screen shot and send it to him and he will forward it to WGT member services so they can investigate it. 

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 12:55 PM

    Yikes!  Ring around the collar
    Sometimes not such a bad thing.  ;  )



  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2012 4:01 PM

    Actually YJ,

    I did not say I could care less what anybody else thinks.

     What I did in fact say was I could care less what anybody thinks of MY thoughts.  Which is 100% opposite of what you stated I said.

    I wouldn't waste time here if not for my interest in other people, their feelings and their thoughts.

     I could see how that comment might come across and worded it  very carefully so no one could feel slighted by the arrogance and the implied self importance required to say I could care less what anyone thinks.

    Along those lines I may as well express another of my opinions.

    Mostly everyone is very aware of your perplexing and unappreciated habit of forcing people to accept your cutting sarcasm as, and please remember this is only my opinion,  payment for what is usually a well thought out answer to their question's.

    And what is more troubling is the circling of the wagons others do in order to take advantage of  the degrading opportunity you created to sling a little mud themselves.

    I read a quote recently that described you as "one of the most respected persons here who always give's his best to assist others".

     I don't question your advice at all and I don't question that your respected, certainly within your closely knitted circle,  but  I have to wonder if  you are aware of your ability to instantly quench not only the respect of others but  severely dampen their desire to participate after paying the piper for what's usually a simple question and often  from a new member..

    You aren't alone in showing who's top boss but you certainly know how to stay in the center of your circle.

    I apologize for being so open in expressing my opinion of your leadership or lack of but seeing your carelessness with your misquote of a potentially provocative statement explained very clearly to me your priorities in your haste to put me in my place by showing I was talking from both sides of my mouth.