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New twist; Same story

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Wed, Apr 25 2012 10:16 AM (46 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 7:10 AM

    And the OP is correct... WGT should program it so that when a game is lost due to a glitch, the ball reverts to it's original state with the original ball.

    Baloney. As it is now, should you provide a case to them they will repair the damage (something I do believe you have done.) It's been done many times. OB is OB and so what you could, IRL, go get the ball? This isn't RL and that's the way the game plays. Deal with it.

    How much do you suppose an entry level IT individual makes, let alone an experienced one? A few more REAL dollars than a $30 set of virtual clubs, I imagine. It's easy to think they're making money hand over fist but I doubt they're rolling in it. It's called cash flow and without cash flow a business fails. Businesses that actually steal from their clients get nowhere fast. But then you know that.


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 8:01 AM

    How much do you suppose an entry level IT individual makes, let alone an experienced one?

    Let's say $30/hr, just for kicks.  How long do you think it took to code the Nike ball into the system?  An hour?  And once it's in there, it is infinitely reproducable at negligible cost to WGT.  How much money do you think WGT got from Nike in the sponsorship deal?  I'm betting Nike probably paid that entry level IT guy's salary in spades.  How much do you suppose WGT gets any time one of their million(s) player's opens a page with 4 ads on it?  Yes, IT people get paid.  Yes, servers cost money.  How many millions of golf balls that cost WGT next to nothing to reproduce infinitely do you suppose they have sold at upwards of $1.00 each?

    And you are entitled to your opinion.  I won't even call it baloney as you did mine, though I'm certain my esteem for yours doesn't exceed yours for mine.  My opinion will continue to be that, when my ball rolls under the edge of a bush or into the edge of the weeds at Kiawah, where I should be able to walk over, pick up my ball, and drop it (with stroke penalty where applicable), and play on with it, but WGT decides that my ball is just *poof* gone, they have stolen from me.  It would be akin to my restaurant snatching anything from the diners that slipped off their plate.  "I notice your chateaubriand slipped off the platter when you were carving.  I'm afraid I will have to take that from you, but here is your check for it's cost."  If I dunk my ball in a pond, understandable.  It's gone.  If I hit into someone backyard with an angry looking rottweiler in it, it's gone.  If it rolls under a bush, it should only be gone if someone (WGT), snatches (steals) it before I get there to pick it up.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 8:11 AM

    I recall drained and dunked...never "expertise"

    I'm talking back in the day, like the 1970s.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 8:19 AM

    How much do you suppose an entry level IT individual makes, let alone an experienced one? A few more REAL dollars than a $30 set of virtual clubs, I imagine.

    You would be right. I did some research and a baseline programming developer makes right at a six digit salary. Some of the better known companies are shilling out up to $250,000 per year for developers to program and write codes.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 8:46 AM

    Let's bring it down to a local level. How many shots are in a $15 bottle of Black Velvet? How much does a bar rip off of the customer for each shot? 34 shots turns a $15 bottle into  around $140 in the cheaper establishments. The same establishment that benefits from the government screwing the hard working employees out of their tips by guesstimating how much they get and then applying that to the payroll. And that doesn't count the bars and restaurants that substitute Mnshiner's gramma's rot gut for the real thing when a patron is too drunk to notice the difference.

    That is more of a  theft than anything here.

    270 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 8:48 AM

    good example jalabar.  i think the only time you should lose a virtual ball here is in the water. if it lands in the bushes, you should be able to recover it.  makes sense.


  • TC9495
    1,219 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 9:42 AM


    My opinion will continue to be that, when my ball rolls under the edge of a bush or into the edge of the weeds at Kiawah, where I should be able to walk over, pick up my ball, and drop it (with stroke penalty where applicable), and play on with it, but WGT decides that my ball is just *poof* gone, they have stolen from me. . . . If it rolls under a bush, it should only be gone if someone (WGT), snatches (steals) it before I get there to pick it up.

    JaLaBar, I get the impression you have either never played golf IRL or you are blinkered in your opinions. If you have played real golf and were not so blinkered, you would accept that a golf ball doesn't last for ever, mainly for two reasons;

    1. It wears out (i.e. gets scuffed/ scratched etc.)

    2. You lose it

    The first reason is replicated on this game, albeit IRL a Nike or a Callaway ball may last a little bit longer than one or two rounds. The second reason is also replicated on this game, however I find that IRL I lose a damn sight more balls than I do on wgt.

    Please consider these lost ball comparisons between wgt and real life;

    • If you dunk it in the water it is lost, the same as IRL.
    • If you hit it out of bounds it is lost, granted not always the same as IRL but sometimes possible you cannot access that OB area.
    • If you hit it into a bush it is lost, again granted not always the same as IRL but sometimes possible you cannot access said prickly gorse bush or find your ball in there.
    • If you hit it into long weeds it is lost, pretty much the same as IRL.
    • If you hit into any other sort of rough (right up to 80% stuff) you ALWAYS find your ball on wgt, can you really say this about real life? The answer is obviously an emphatic "No". Millions of real balls are lost every day on golf courses all over the world by stray shots not finding the fairway.

    Maybe what players should do is thank wgt for being so fair (maybe too lenient in fact)with their lost ball policy and be happy that they haven't yet replicated real life golf by declaring a percentage of your slightly wayward shots as lost also!

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 10:02 AM

    I'm not on one side or the other in this debate. But I do think that if,for example, a ball that lands 'out of bounds' & I can see the ball laying there, I don't see why I should not be able to retrieve that ball & take the penalty/ get the ball BACK.

    I did see that they apparently changed it where, now, you can buy more of the same type of balls that you are useing During the game, instead of having to revert to the starter ball.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2012 1:03 PM

    Maybe what players should do is thank wgt for being so fair (maybe too lenient in fact)with their lost ball policy and be happy that they haven't yet replicated real life golf by declaring a percentage of your slightly wayward shots as lost also!

    Actually, I have played a lot of real-life golf.  But, you are right.  In cases like this where it is easily done, I am blinkered to expect to be treated fairly, and when I am not I bristle.  When WGT steals golf balls that should be in plain sight, in my opinion they are not treating me (us) fairly.  I have lost a lot more balls here that should have been retrievable than I did in real-life.  Sure, I've hit some in the weeds that were gone.  I have never had one roll slightly off the fairway and be gone (Kiawah weeds), or roll a foot under a bush and be gone (St. A's).  In addition, while looking for my ball, I have found balls that others have lost that were in good shape, were added to my bag, and later used by me.  So sure, if WGT wants me to lose a ball that should be recoverable, that is fine.  I should have about an equal chance of gaining new balls when that happens as well, if we are going by what happens in real life.

    It seems a lot of people here believe that, because things ARE a certain way, that is how they have to stay, and it isn't worth it to say anything about it.  I am not wired that way.  If I feel something is unjust or unfair, I will say so.  In this case, I feel WGT's policy of taking balls that should not be lost is unfair, and in fact akin to stealing the cost of a ball from us when it happens.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2012 9:20 AM


    Yikes!  Ring around the collar, pay another dollar


    Another dissatisfied customer rant who will continue to play this game. And has already posted two scores today.

    And that is wrong?  Your Nickle