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My game is going downhill............WTF?

Thu, Mar 29 2012 7:25 PM (45 replies)
  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 1:20 PM

    deleted comment............................

  • MulliganWilly
    138 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 1:32 PM

    they rigged the game.. i noticed nobody's doing good anymore.. these hotshot guys who have low scores can barely make sub par anymore. Generally not allowed to make too many birdies.. they'll rig it. Just try playing an alternate shot game and notice these guys with low scores really can't pull anything out of their magic hat. Also with putting, nice try if you think everything's good with that line.. no they'll rig it so you dont make that bird. Basicly a miracle if you can make bird on here anymore. You start doing too good, they'll shut you down so you dont finish with a low score. Its rigged so you think you'll do better if you pay for better clubs. All rigged so they make more money. Go to google and look up "rigged the game" you'll see.. wgt's just like the rest.. these office guys who sit around thinking about ways to make more money.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 1:46 PM

    Couple of things to consider since turning TP

    Longer tees?

    Faster greens?

    Also, looking at your score history, I don't see much (if any) difference between Pro and TP rounds.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 1:54 PM

    Clear your browser cache and try again. I know it's a repetitive statement, but it worked for me. The precision/forgiveness in my clubs was barely working. It was like my clubs were starter clubs. When I cleared my cache, I had 810 MB of files in my Firefox browser.

    The game files can get lost in all those browser files. This may seem like a bunch of bologna to some, but my clubs reacted superbly when I cleared my cache of all them files. And putts started tracking to the hole better as well.

    I would suggest clearing your cache at least once a week. Especially if you frequently surf the Internet.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 2:02 PM

    they rigged the game.. i noticed nobody's doing good anymore.. these hotshot guys who have low scores can barely make sub par anymore

    Uh, what color is the sky in your world? Last I looked, if you weren't 12 under you weren't even on page 5 of the entrants. You sound like the typical whiner because you're so inadequate at playing this game. Easier to come on here and hurl a few poop grenades.Starter stuff, no less. Sheesh.

    AS is a fun way to play. Because a player with a sub 60 average doesn't hole every approach shot doesn't mean a thing. Put some credits on the line and I bet you're singing a different tune. If you don't want to spend money here, fine, don't. KMA for the ignorant point of view without spending some, though.

  • MulliganWilly
    138 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 3:44 PM


    OK...just wondering (curious) here.  During my first 2+ months playing here...worked my way up to a "Tour Pro"...was given a 74.0 avg. at that time.  NOW, my game sucks.  In the first 2 mos...I hit (9) hole-in-ones (CTTH) challenges and managed (6) birdies during an 18 hole round.  I couldn't hit (6) birdies in a round now (if my life depended on it). I know, even in REAL GOLF, you have those "slumps".  Well, since my game began to go "downhill"...I began thinking, dang, I HAVE to upgrade to much better clubs & balls. I was playing with "starter" clubs & balls until I reached "Tour Pro".  Putting is getting WORSE too.....can't buy a friggn birdie, it seems. I realize that once you reach "Tour Pro"...IF you score above your "average"...your average will go UP on you (but, it didn't before the "Tour Pro" tier.  Also, in the first 2 months...I was getting a ton of those AWARDS coming up on my screen....sort of reminded me of when I was in the 3rd grade and my teachers would put those little "gold stars" on my papers along with an "A"....made me feel GOOD...well, "achievement" is always going to be a nice feeling...don't you know.  I've also I just "over-thinking" everything know, like in REAL GOLF...seems that when I haven't been out on a REAL course in awhile, I tend to play BETTER (I don't think about everything so much...stance, grip, swing, keeping my head down, etc.)'m just frustrated like all get I "alone"?..........LOL!


    biggest tip i can give ya when i first joined the place.. was ok what happens when you try and shoot this from the rough and what occurs when you select spin the ball this way and what happens with the wind and what goes on.. its plain physics and "rigged game" is the oddball thing in the situation.. ok so i noticed you're not a master.. well thats how i became one.. allright.. be a man and quit whining and step up to the plate and go, ok.. how do i beat the game. Quit being a willy-nilly, and stop your whining and go, ok.. this is how the computer electronics behave and how can i beat it.. allright.. so figure things out and run test matches alone with practice games and figure out what the hell is going on. Just trying to purchase clubs and balls and not knowing how the physics behave prior to, ain't gonna help ya at all. Allright.. so before you complain about things being rigged like i'm allowed to do because i tested it out in all conditions.. well perhaps go test things out on your own and take test shots and see what goes where in practice, no wind conditions, and see how things behave.. then you can factor in what their "wind" might do. Nice try though with these assholes rigging it cause i scientifically know they are so they can make more money.. so go shove that up your yin-yang.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 4:44 PM

    deleted by's a SAD thing, when you can't comment on this blog...without getting TRASHED by other members.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 4:54 PM

    deleted this comment too.

  • cadillac1961
    268 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 5:06 PM

    Mama... can you hear me crying. I think you never know and see what real live is doing. Come down on to the floor and check the roules. You can be happy that you last round on the Blackpage Course endet only with 89 Shots. Thats live. But live is not for fiddel zoo brothers...

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Sun, Mar 25 2012 5:58 PM

    Hey Swiss dude................don't especially appreciate your comments here.  If you don't have something "constructive" to say, WHY comment at all?  Nothing better to do, I guess.  Well, in your spare time...maybe you should work on your "spelling".