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My game is going downhill............WTF?

Thu, Mar 29 2012 7:25 PM (45 replies)
  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 1:56 AM

    Yes, the average jumps up after a tier-up because it starts from scratch again. The first "40" 9 hole result would put you to 80. It doesn't mean a thing though, because eventually only a bunch of your best ranked rounds as a Master will count when it comes to tiering up again.

    OTOH, it's yours to decide how much you spend for the game. I'd prefer a real 3WD or real balls to virtual clubs & balls but that has been excluded from my life for some months by a d*mn health issue...

    FWIW, one may become happy as a Master with not much more than Starter equipment.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 10:01 AM

    Give me a break "Doublemouchaman"!!!  I didn't just make that up....that "Legend" specifically said DOLLARS (not credits).  One member below just stated he spent $120.00 last month (that's probably conservative for many) the math...that would be over $4,000.00 (in 3 yrs.).  Many "Legends" have been on here for 3 or 4 yrs...played over 3,000 ranked rounds of golf.  If there are some "Legends" out there with input on this issue.....I'd be very interested to hear what they have to say.....on average, how much $$$ have they invested over time???

    And, of course, this site is a "business"....they HAVE to earn a profit.  But, do you have ANY IDEA how many companies "advertise" on this site???  On every page, while we're playing....all of the "sponsored" golf equipment, the surveys & TV ads for "credits", the TONS of "offers"...which, by the way is really just another way to get us to spend "real $$$" to get credits to buy upgraded equpment.  Just my opinion...but, this site could EASILY be run.......100% on ADs....where members wouldn't have to pay a enter tournaments or use the equipment they like.  Like I said, look at all of the BRAND NAMES on all of that equipment.....Nike, Callaway, don't think those companies are PAYING to have their equpment on here? 

    And I'm curious.....I would love to know.  HOW did you achieve "Master"...having played ONLY 160 ranked rounds....and have a 66.3 average.  You only played an equivelant of (22 ranked rounds in the entire year of 2011).....I have played over 200 ranked rounds in the past 2-1/2 mos...starting around a 95.0 & now struggling @ 75.2 average.  HOW did you do it???  I seriously wish to know, because it doesn't seem "possible".  Though, I noticed you have your golf bag LOADED for bear.....did you use earned credits or did you buy credits?

    And I believe there are more like 5 million WGT members, not 3 million.....though, if someone has better information....I'd be interested.  That's 5 million sets of eyeballs looking at all of those ADs.  If you knew anything about website revenue, you'd understand the magnitude of just how much revenue all those ADs really generate.

    You state "WGT designed the game so you can play absolutely free and still derive pleasure".....while this is TRUE.....IF you expect to play really good ever get into the lower don't have ANY choice, but to spend $$$'s by "design".  Haven't you ever heard the old saying......."nothing is really free".

    Well, you do sort of have to keep a sense of humor about all of this.  Hey, I'm thinking of starting a website that sells a new SOFT DRINK....but, inside the cans will ONLY be..........."AIR"...yeah, just "AIR".  But, each can you drink will give you added strength and better health.....this product will be "addictive" for sure.  I just hope my supply doesn't run out.  Each can will cost you .50 cents.  I will accept all credit cards, when you finish a six pack of my new canned "AIR" can get on-line and buy some

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 10:19 AM

    Bob... sign me up for some of that canned air!

    My apologies, I didn't intend for it to seem like you made up the $20,000.00.  Though I believe the poster who put that up, made it up.

    I was reluctantly bumped up to Master in the Tiering Fiasco in the Fall of 2010.  About 95% of my rounds are practice, championship tees and very fast greens.  I very rarely play a ranked round... and never tournaments, nor challenge match play rounds.

    Since joining in April 2009 I've spent, in real dollars, 210 of 'em.  My huge $4.50 in earnings is simply from tiering up.  And tearing up is what I do when I think of the money I've spent here.  Just kidding... I've enjoyed every penny I've spent, with the exception of buying that stupid Putter Pal.  :)

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 11:03 AM

    Hello "Doublemochaman"........VERY CLASS ACT.....thank you very much for gifting me the GREAT driver to help my game.  I really NEED the help, big time!  NOW.....if there was just some way that we could get WGT to ENLARGE the cup say maybe....18 average would be improve 1,

    I sent you an INVITE......I hope you will accept.

    Well, you may very well be right about that "Legend"....and what he spent.  Maybe someone was just being "funny".....I just distinctly remember seeing $___________.  I was just curious about how much I would need to invest in my eventually, "maybe"....get to "Legend"....though, I know I'm "dreaming"...Ha!

    Have to agree with you........the 2 creators of WGT did an outstanding job!  I am very familiar with website creation.....and what's involved.  A TON of effort and investment for sure.....a lot of work to keep it up and running.  I'm looking forward to WGT opening up the Wolf Creek course.....beautiful course and it looks like it would be really fun to play!

    Hey.........thanks again for the "generous gift".  A very classy thing to do!

    I just hit a couple of drives from the TEE......Wow, what a huge difference! 


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 11:07 AM

    I just hit a couple of drives from the TEE......Wow, what a huge difference! 

    LOL. DMM is a mole for WGT. He does nice things like that so you get hooked.  ;-)

    You do not have to spend huge amounts of money to get to Legend. For less than a night on the town you can have stuff that will last you as long as you want. If you think that driver made a difference, get your hands on some of those 200 credit wedges and then see the scores drop.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 11:37 AM

    Hello again.  Yeah, good chance that poster just "made up" that comment about spending all that $$$......ggeeeezzzzzzz.  I'm probably just way too "naive" for my

    You mentioned that 95% of your rounds are "practice".........OK, well, that makes perfect sense to ME.  Now, I have "somehow" managed to make "Tour Pro"....and I was reset at game has been seriously struggling.  So.....I thought it wise to spend the next couple of months just playing "practice rounds" you have done.  Then, after my game and confidence are "improved"......I can go back to playing "ranked rounds".

    Wow, that driver you "gifted me" FANTASTIC!  What a huge difference.....totally changes and improves my game.  It's getting me MUCH closer to the me better chances to birdie.  I came within 2 inches of sinking only my 2nd Eagle, because of that new (better) driver.  Yeah.........the equipment "definitely" makes a major difference in you game here on WGT.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 11:45 AM


    LOL. DMM is a mole for WGT. He does nice things like that so you get hooked.  ;-)

    How's that Pineda guy doin'?


    Double Mole Mole (DMM)

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 11:52 AM

    Wow, that driver you "gifted me" FANTASTIC!

    Glad you are enjoying your new equipment.  Remember, you can't take it with you.  Your money, not your WGT driver.

    And YankeeJim is dead right... those 2 buck wedges will turn you into Phil Mickelson around the greens.

    And once YJ gifts you a sleeve of Callaway balls you'll see how much your meter slows down and the ball bites.  Hmmm... it does sound like I work for WGT.  I don't... could never work with the likes of Nivlac or Mister WGT.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 12:30 PM

    Dang Bob, I was going to send you a sleeve of top notch balls. I looked at your friends list, you must have plenty all ready, that looks like a high maintenance group my friend. LMAO, Send me a message, I'll gift you some.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 12:48 PM

    BOB, I just sent you a sleeve of Cally Vapors. Don't try to be a hero until you get used to them. Maybe try BPB front 9. Not much chance of losing one on the first drive. Enjoy.
