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Sat, Apr 21 2012 6:31 PM (128 replies)
  • angelsgolfing
    211 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2012 10:07 AM




    I am thoroughly amazed that this thread has been allowed for this long. Shame on the Admins/Moderators for this.

    Some of you folks would benefit from some schooling of your own, with the way some of you spell. And I'm not talking about the occasional fat fingering of the keyboard.  Nothing makes a person look more ignorant than piss poor spelling. Especially in your native language. Therefore, anyone from another country would be exempt from this statement. 

    God? Don't get me started. I don't care what your beliefs. If you can't respect someone else's, then you don't deserve any respect for yours. 

    All this because someone didn't like a picture? I don't buy it. 

    These threads should never be allowed to get past the first posting. It is my opinion(not that it counts here) that it should be removed, immediately and in it's entirety. I have never seen politics and religion allowed in a gaming forum before. Those posts are always removed. 

    I'm beginning to think the Admins like to see this kind of thing get out of hand. Doesn't say much for WGT staff, now does it? 

    well what do you know ? wgt has hired a spell checker & grammar teacher. man why don,t you go read dear abby or garfield? us old southern boys are doing just find without your school lesson  lol 

    "doing just "find"?"  You didn't quite make it through 2nd grade, did you?

    Angelsgolfing: I brawt me a gunn to tha gunnfite. Butt, wut arr thim thar bullets ya'all keep tawkin' `bout? Lordee!!

    i know enough  that i can pick a dickhead out of a crowd of teachers, & i,m guessing ur no teacher!!!!!!!

  • jumpmybones
    205 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2012 11:55 AM

    Have a nice day  !

  • OmegaManKFH
    113 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2012 3:37 PM





    I am thoroughly amazed that this thread has been allowed for this long. Shame on the Admins/Moderators for this.

    Some of you folks would benefit from some schooling of your own, with the way some of you spell. And I'm not talking about the occasional fat fingering of the keyboard.  Nothing makes a person look more ignorant than piss poor spelling. Especially in your native language. Therefore, anyone from another country would be exempt from this statement. 

    God? Don't get me started. I don't care what your beliefs. If you can't respect someone else's, then you don't deserve any respect for yours. 

    All this because someone didn't like a picture? I don't buy it. 

    These threads should never be allowed to get past the first posting. It is my opinion(not that it counts here) that it should be removed, immediately and in it's entirety. I have never seen politics and religion allowed in a gaming forum before. Those posts are always removed. 

    I'm beginning to think the Admins like to see this kind of thing get out of hand. Doesn't say much for WGT staff, now does it? 

    well what do you know ? wgt has hired a spell checker & grammar teacher. man why don,t you go read dear abby or garfield? us old southern boys are doing just find without your school lesson  lol 

    "doing just "find"?"  You didn't quite make it through 2nd grade, did you?

    Angelsgolfing: I brawt me a gunn to tha gunnfite. Butt, wut arr thim thar bullets ya'all keep tawkin' `bout? Lordee!!

    i know enough  that i can pick a dickhead out of a crowd of teachers, & i,m guessing ur no teacher!!!!!!!

    LOL   I kinda like that one. 

  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2012 5:46 PM


    Infinitely better, but then we could have elected a turd and we'd have been better off than we were with Bush.  Yes, the country is much, much better off with Obama than we were with Bush.  However, not nearly as well off as we'd be if the rest of the GOP invalids in Congress would get the hell out of the way and let the man do what he was elected by a majority of Americans to do.  The true UN-Americans are those that prevented, through base obstruction, the governance of our country by a duly elected leader.  So, the GOP prevents Obama from carrying out most of what he wanted to get done, most of what he was duly elected by a majority to do.  So yes, to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, anyone that isn't a mindless right-wing sheep, the country is much better off than we were with Bush.  And, since there aren't currently any persons in the GOP that would be fractionally as good for the country as Obama, he'll win again in 2012 and, as he won't be fighting for re-election, he'll be more able to make more of the changes this country needs to resume our standing in the world.  Bush may have been by far the worst president in the recorded history of presidents (of anything... Student Council, PTA, etc.... Bush was the worst president in the history of there being Presidents), but still the damage he did wasn't irreparable, and a competent, quality President like Obama will be able to fix it if the GOP wants the country improved.  

    So Obama, the second best President of my lifetime (hint: the best survived a *** impeachment), has got another 4 years to fix the mess Bush left him.  Now, let's see... what parts of the country are NOT better off than they were before Obama took office.  Well, the average citizen is better off, despite the GOP's efforts to make sure that no one is better off.

    So, my problem isn't Obama.  My problem is the GOP lawmakers who should by all right be jailed for treason.  Attempting to cause Obama to 'fail' as a President, which has been the GOP's stated goal, is by nature attempting to cause harm to the country and thus a treasonous act.  So, let's get those criminals out of the way, then we can judge Obama by what he has done rather than by what a bunch of unAmericans tried to prevent him from doing.

    Were you drunk when you wrote this pile of cow chips?

    1,533 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 3:45 AM
  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 4:59 AM

    I assumed this thread was about golf ettyketty, but instead it seems to be about politics, of which I know nothing about, or even less.  But judging by the last couple of posts I think it is definitely one to hijack.

    I didn't say that.  No, it wasn't me.  She made me do it.

    Who's on first?

    Speaking of jack high...

  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 5:10 AM


    Awesome tune. Never heard of these guys before, so thanks for the intro to them Garry.

  • teefore
    48 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 8:37 AM

    cursing me out in the middle of an alternate shot game just because of the picture.

      You have to look over stupid

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2012 1:09 PM


    Infinitely better, but then we could have elected a turd and we'd have been better off than we were with Bush.  Yes, the country is much, much better off with Obama than we were with Bush.  However, not nearly as well off as we'd be if the rest of the GOP invalids in Congress would get the hell out of the way and let the man do what he was elected by a majority of Americans to do.  The true UN-Americans are those that prevented, through base obstruction, the governance of our country by a duly elected leader.  So, the GOP prevents Obama from carrying out most of what he wanted to get done, most of what he was duly elected by a majority to do.  So yes, to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, anyone that isn't a mindless right-wing sheep, the country is much better off than we were with Bush.  And, since there aren't currently any persons in the GOP that would be fractionally as good for the country as Obama, he'll win again in 2012 and, as he won't be fighting for re-election, he'll be more able to make more of the changes this country needs to resume our standing in the world.  Bush may have been by far the worst president in the recorded history of presidents (of anything... Student Council, PTA, etc.... Bush was the worst president in the history of there being Presidents), but still the damage he did wasn't irreparable, and a competent, quality President like Obama will be able to fix it if the GOP wants the country improved.  

    So Obama, the second best President of my lifetime (hint: the best survived a *** impeachment), has got another 4 years to fix the mess Bush left him.  Now, let's see... what parts of the country are NOT better off than they were before Obama took office.  Well, the average citizen is better off, despite the GOP's efforts to make sure that no one is better off.

    So, my problem isn't Obama.  My problem is the GOP lawmakers who should by all right be jailed for treason.  Attempting to cause Obama to 'fail' as a President, which has been the GOP's stated goal, is by nature attempting to cause harm to the country and thus a treasonous act.  So, let's get those criminals out of the way, then we can judge Obama by what he has done rather than by what a bunch of unAmericans tried to prevent him from doing.

    What flavor Kool-Aid are you drinking??  

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2012 2:14 PM

    What happened during the Bush presidency?

    1. "Elected" by Supreme Court

    2. 9/11

    3. 2 wars; thousands of Americans dead and maimed

    4. Record budget deficits (reversing surpluses of '90s)

    5. Highest gas prices in history

    6. Housing bubble & worst financial crisis since the Great Depression

    7. Final approving rating: 22% (lowest since poll began 70 years ago)