[/quote][quote user="angelsgolfing"]
might be wise not to throw pictures around of the man who,s trying to take GOD OUT OF OUR LIVES!!!! it,s a sad day when we are not allowed to say prayers in school , but that man will let muslim,s pray in public. think about that!
I have only gotten to this entry on this thread before I find that I must make a response. This country allows us great leeway in what we can say and do in public. It allows even more if we do it in private. This includes pictures of our president, having to not HAVE to pray in our PUBLIC schools, and to be able to worship in any manner that does not deprive anyone of thier rights. These things and many others about my country caused me to defend my country within and without, against those enemies that would limit or do away with our freedoms. Think about that! My nickle.