Kids kids hasn't your parents told you to never never discuss politics or religion, in public
Politics, religion, and sex are topics that adults will and do discuss, on the golf course, after church at Sunday dinner, at funerals, at public gatherings, at bar-b-cues, at family reunions, at PTA meetings, at our Elks, Moose, and Mason meetings. We can engage with others sober, drunk, illiterate, uninformed, stupid, ignorant, educated, wise or most any other adjective one would care to use to describe one another. The ability and freedom to express and share ideas is the one of the most precious traits and a most vulnerable right of being human. Unfortunately, It is one aspect that most of us use without regard for content and context. Just as I stumbled across this particular post in a golf game forum, I will engage in other discussions in future that might prompt me to offer an opinon. May we all continue to enjoy that privilege.