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$400 Legend Winner: AllyKennedy

Tue, May 15 2012 4:43 AM (331 replies)
    10,716 Posts
    Tue, Apr 17 2012 12:45 PM

    Thanks JC,After  birdieing the first 4 holes i knew i needed something "Hot" to compete with you,We hit some classy shots out there today,Well played!!

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Tue, Apr 17 2012 4:15 PM

    Still waiting on results from some 2nd round matches

    If anyone has problems coordinating a match with your opponent, please get in touch with me and I can arrange for a surrogate opponent.



  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 6:51 PM


  • Dianne81
    773 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 6:55 PM

    Bollox and I had opposing work schedules so we are getting it in tomorrow.


  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2012 8:01 PM

    No worries Dianne. We look forward to it.

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 12:15 PM

    Bartmania  wins round 2   1UP  vs  SPINO1

    A great match bud very well played, real hot with the putter thru the first 9 ,3up.I did all i could to get back a/s on the15th but bart came thru at the end to win, very ntmu mate and gl in r3.

    TY to god for the tourny very well done and organised 

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 12:20 PM

    Had a really close match w/ Dianne in the 2nd round,  was either 1up or AS the whole time until 17 when I ended up taking the match 2&1. Putter bailed my ass out bigtime on the back, couldn't hit a ding to save my life on approaches

  • Dianne81
    773 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 12:49 PM

    Bollox took a well earned  2up victory over me!

    Well, not exactly. On hole #8 just as Im about to drain a short putt Don standing behind me yelled " CLICK!!!" just as the meter was running. I flinched early clicked by a mile and didnt even touch the cup from 5ft away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Packed up my laptop, went into bedroom and locked the door to finish round without distractions.

    Told Sam that Don was going to be VERYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lonely tonight if he beat me 1 up and Dons shenanigans potentially cost me the match!!!  Fate smiled on Don though as Sam and I were pouring in putts from all over when on 17 I misjudged  the putt to lose 2 down.  He is still getting silent treatment for messing with me, though he'll possibly be forgiven later ;)

    Bollox took a a 1/2 earned 2 up victory over me LOLOLOL  Goodluck sam rest of way!



  • BartMania
    221 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 2:22 PM

    Kriz defeats Bartmania 4&3

    My putter was more like a garden hoe in this round.  Pretty sure I would have putter better with a baseball bat.  Kriz was solid as always and wins a much deserved match.  Good luck going forward bud.

  • Kriztjan
    1,437 Posts
    Fri, Apr 20 2012 2:24 PM

    LOL @ Dianne

    just figure out a sweet reveng on him ;)



    Kriz winns over Bart 4/3

    Bart had trouble putting a bit but managed to get back to 1dn at 9, i pulled out two good ones to go to 3up thru 11 and we had on and off birds at 13 14, i birdied 15 and that was it.


    Thanks for the match bart, fun match and some laughs!