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Sat, Jul 21 2012 2:03 PM (36 replies)
  • usw1748
    14 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 8:29 AM

    I have now tried to play 4 multiplayer rounds and I just finished my first one. Started with 4 people and 2 quit and the other games everyone quit. I usually play match play because when a player quits they forfeit the game. Why can't WGT do the same thing for muilplayer rounds. There has to be a penalty for quitting and not coming back when disconnected. I have done my sheare bought clubs,balls, etc. It is now WGT''S  turn to do something about this problem.


    Thank You


  • superstar2
    23 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 9:04 AM

    it's a good idea though, but sometimes maybe some people need to go to work or has job need to be done, and then they quit and work on their job, or maybe take care of their kids, who knows???

    so sometimes they really have things need to be done, of course, sometimes people quit because they had a bad score, but again, who knows???

    that's the problem, so the main thing is when they quit the game, if they quit the game in the first 3 holes, that might because they had a bad score, if they quit the game with -3 after 4 holes, do you think they will quit the game? again, who knows???

    It's a good suggestion, maybe we can add why they left the game and tell everyone who are still playing.

  • Chazzz7
    53 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 10:07 AM
    The answer is simple just play match games and then let them quit.
  • hankswinger
    35 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 10:50 AM

    maybe,  these quitters can  let you know  that they are quitting..

    ie.... gotta go ...dinner to be made..

  • JohnnyP023
    2 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 11:31 AM

    I agree that quitters are Frustrating. But , even MORE frustrating is the fact that we have been complaining for over a Year about the FAULTY , Intermittent, Unreliable Swing meter!

    It seems to me that if you can construct a whole new golf course, you should be able to address an issue as simple as this. Cmon guys, It's been going on since you started the game. Regrettfully, I and my friends are going back to Tiger Woods until we see some attention given this issue.

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 12:34 PM

    I agree that quitters are Frustrating. But , even MORE frustrating is the fact that we have been complaining for over a Year about the FAULTY , Intermittent, Unreliable Swing meter!

    Johnny, is you remove the quitter threads, the sandbagging threads and the meter threads, this forum would collapse into the size of a postage stamp. I find it amusing that with over 1 year complaints of these matters, posters continue to post, and WGT does nothing. Live with it, because of all the golf sims, this is still in my estimation, NUMBER 1

  • usw1748
    14 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 1:08 PM
    I don't seem to have any meter issues at all. I clear my browser cache and flash cache. One thing that I think also helps is my computer was custom made and does not have all of the programs running that name brand computers do. I think when you add all of the above items it helps in this matter.
  • usw1748
    14 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 7:24 AM
    I just played another multiplayer round with 4 people and 2 quit before the first hole was finished and the 3rd guy played unitl the 7th hole of a front 9 game and then said thanks and goodbye. WGT fix this problem no one can play rounds with 4 people and finish the game without some penalty to the players that quit. Bye now USW1748
  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 8:23 AM

    I just played another multiplayer round with 4 people and 2 quit before the first hole was finished and the 3rd guy played unitl the 7th hole of a front 9 game and then said thanks and goodbye. WGT fix this problem no one can play rounds with

    At least he said goodbye

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 8:53 AM

    For your viewing pleasure!


    You searched for the word(s): quitters

    • Re: QUITTERS

      In case you missed a few of them, here you go! Now please quit crying over spilled milk! :) You searched for the word(s): quitters More Search Options PAGES 1 2 3 4 5 Last » Re: Quitters: Give Us Foes Along With Friends I just wish they would ban post like this altogether. There are 15 pages of threads on this subject!! In case you missed some...
      Posted to Product Suggestions (Forum) by claremoreblue on 08 Aug 2009
    • Re: Quitters: Give Us Foes Along With Friends

      I just wish they would ban post like this altogether. There are 15 pages of threads on this subject!! In case you missed some of them, here they are!! You searched for the word(s): quitters More Search Options PAGES « First 11 12 13 14 15 Multiplayer games where players bail out if... It's frustrating to play a multiplayer game to begin with...
      Posted to Product Suggestions (Forum) by claremoreblue on 19 Jul 2009
    • Re: Solve the Quitters problem (Round 2)

      destroying HIS Multiplayer rounds
      You talk your usual boilerplate nonsense in complete disregard of facts. Let's take a look at a relevant sample, the starters of threads to do with quitting, from the first 5 pages of quitters Search results : QUITERS , started by stinkyTOE More on Quitters , started by TheWombat...
      Posted to General Tournament Discussions (Forum) by Faterson on 16 Aug 2009
    • Re: QUITTERS

      The Blue Duck gave you the first page... I have page 20 (10 per page = 200 posts). What a mess for something that really doesn't matter, imho. You searched for the word(s): Quitters More Search Options PAGES « First 16 17 18 19 20 Re: Anybody wanna report quitters? Just make a list..... and don't play them, good advice from cb ... I have...
      Posted to Product Suggestions (Forum) by Snaike on 08 Aug 2009
    • Re: Quitters

      this is not the place air your petty problems with quitters and naming names will only land you in hot water. i see you have only been here 1 month, i'm afraid you have set yourself up for what is sure to be coming under this post. might want to delete this before it gets away from you. did you lose any credits to these quitters and liars? no find...
      Posted to Community Introductions (Forum) by jbenny11 on 02 Jan 2010
    • Re: Quitters

      Quitters.... First, there is no apology necessary. WGTAdmin says they will look into ways of mitigating the Quitting issue.. and Faterson is sure to be along shortly with his 2,004th screed on the topic. If you wish some light reading, enter "Quitters" into the search box and get a cold drink / cup of tea (your choice) and have a long night's...
      Posted to General Tournament Discussions (Forum) by Snaike on 13 Aug 2009
    • Re: What's with the quitters part II

      It does, by offering everyone the option to finish that round later on. Nothing more is necessary. No distinguishing between "legitimate" or "illegitimate" disconnections. Every disconnection is legitimate and is given the option to be finished later on, on one's own.
      That is how it is...
      Posted to WGT Beta (Forum) by VanHalenLover on 31 Jan 2010
    • Re: What's with the quitters part II

      You suggestion does not account for the first users that may have dropped for legitimate reasons
      It does, by offering everyone the option to finish that round later on. Nothing more is necessary. No distinguishing between "legitimate" or "illegitimate" disconnections. Every disconnection...
      Posted to WGT Beta (Forum) by Faterson on 31 Jan 2010
    • Re: Quitters

      There are numerous threads on this, ExpiredLoch. You may wish to regale yourself by reading, for example, this one: How to Handle Quitters . Right in these moments, I'm in my first-ever 18-hole multiplayer 4-some on The first player quit on hole 5; the second player quit on hole 7. Just as I wanted to type, "The remaining 2 of us are...
      Posted to General Tournament Discussions (Forum) by Faterson on 13 Aug 2009
    • Re: QUITTERS

      I was implying that playing at work being compromised by quitters is not a very legitimate excuse to attack the quitters. Most people 'ought' to be working at work and accept the risk.
      I apologize, still unable to follow your logic (or, indeed, syntax) here. Plus, I'm self-employed. Plus, instead of...
      Posted to Product Suggestions (Forum) by Faterson on 09 Aug 2009