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Sat, Jul 21 2012 2:03 PM (36 replies)
  • Truecarlos
    3 Posts
    Mon, May 24 2010 7:10 AM

    Why don't we name and me, i'm sick of so called better players with all the gear logging off when they get in the rough or the with chaps it's golf!!!!


    Do they walk of a real course when they find the rough??

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Mon, May 24 2010 9:59 AM


    AlaCowboy, now those are 2 of the best reasons to quit a multi-player game,if I ever heard one. My best one is I had to drop out of a ready-go because I had a wild bore in my back yard, 110 lbs. and not too old so I made sausage out of him. What'd you do with the bobcat after you shot him?

    Well, I turned it over to the state for testing. I have 14 horses and if a horse tries to flee trouble and crashes into a barbed wire fence it can cause serious injury. Plus I don't want to walk out after dark and face a thirsty, hungry, or sick wild animal.

    What to you do with your sarcastic comments after you finish with them? Try putting a light coat of oil on them and shoving ... well, you get the idea.

    You have any other smartass comments?

  • murducas
    65 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2010 3:34 AM




  • UPuttinAgain
    24 Posts
    Tue, Mar 22 2011 10:03 PM


                                       HIS NAME IS , and this is what I want to SAY:

           Dear wgt account holder named:  

            Ha Ha Ha ....You played such a well match!!! I was only up 3 when you started waiting until 3 secs on the shot timer to take a hack, only to send your ball screaming past the green, as if you where doing this on purpose......So I say to myself, "self, do I need this large sum of $3.00 added to my credits here at wgt?"

           Just then this craving came over me, what could it be? Ohh, yeah.... I smoke cigarettes like a bad habbit. So ha ha ha, I'll be back in 4 minutes after treating my lungs to the usual. Oh and when I came back from this cigarette. I answered the Question: nah, I don't need these credits, but they gave them to me anyway cause you where such a poor LOSER.


  • MuggerMcGee
    2 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2012 9:49 AM

    Maybe it's been said before here, I'm not sure.  But maybe percentage of completed games should be tied into one's ranking.  Then maybe some of these Master's would see their rankings drop when they quit after the first bad ball.  Just a thought.

  • thestevster
    546 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2012 11:22 AM

    bloody annoying lost 2 balls in the water at st andrews carried on with starter balls had a good hammering..played the same person again i started to win he quit on the 5th round...there should be something done about these quitters...played a few people who quit on me.. cant wgt keep a record of these people..i know people lose connections but if it happens on a regular basis than there broadband is not up to it or there quitters...

    cheers steve




  • thestevster
    546 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2012 5:30 AM

    how about having a quitter button installed

  • plitsken
    4 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2012 6:18 AM



  • Kowloongolfer
    13 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 2:01 AM

    I just played with 4 for Blitz and 3 quit. I was left by myself. This is the worst experience I've had with quitters. 1 or 2 is usual but 3.  The irony is they were quite polite in the chat section saying ns gs gl ect. I am just wondering what they understand about etiquette. I never really understood quitters. It is just a game. You don't do that in real life golf. I play an online horse racing game. Just because the horse is running poorly in a race does it suddenly quit and run off the track back to my stable? No it doesn't. It runs the race out.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 8:09 AM

    A gambler who is losing at the casino table can get up and walk away at any time. Yes, you went into the game expecting the other person to live up to a 9 or 18 hole commitment but you are playing a gambling game and there is no way to penalize people who get up and walk away from this table. Not when it is impossible to determine the cause of the disconnect.

    Circumstances may make it look like that's why the person is gone. In your heart you may know that the person intentionally left. Still, WGT can't be expected to start putting paying customers on trial for quitting a game.

    You are playing a gambling game. I play a video golf game and don't have to gamble to enjoy playing. Five years here and I have never had a problem with a single quitter because I've never played the area of the WGT where they are. Same thing with the sandbaggers. Never had a problem with one of those, either.