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Using Irons on the green

Mon, Apr 30 2012 7:49 AM (57 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 7:08 AM

    I fully agree, SK!

    Only: purists, r u sure? Purists of one-dimensional thinking at most!

  • Lmorgan007
    408 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 10:21 AM


    putting on the greens is SACRED in my eyes,

    learn to read the greens instead of using your chip to save ya bacon on a bad approach shot.

    bet the pros who do it are talked about on the 19th too.

    its just not cricket!!!

    Stevie i'm with you 100% on this.  

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sat, Apr 21 2012 10:42 AM

    Perhaps WGT could have tutorial on how to chip on the greens then to make it fair for everyone.
    Because you haven't taken the time to learn it makes it unfair ?

  • Pilly40
    28 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 12:42 AM


    I have learnt how to to play the shot, just refuse to use it, its quite a simple equation tbh, just makes a mockery of my opponents excellent approach shot, that’s the point its so easy to use, no skill what’s so ever, OK its in the rules but how often to you see it being use in real golf, reason, because players have took there time and tried to at least master putting, putting a long putt gives me a lot of satisfaction because its not about equations, when you use a iron on the green how much satisfaction do you get from it.


    I am not a purist, I am not trying to change the way people play, just putting my point of view across in a open forum.


    The only reason people are getting a bit niggled about my comments is because deep down they know how easy the shot is.


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 1:00 AM

    It doesn't follow that just because someone uses a wedge on a green they can't putt. It just makes sense to use the club that is best suited for the shot.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 1:48 AM

    I am not a purist, I am not trying to change the way people play, just putting my point of view across in a open forum.

    You are perfectly entitled to do so but I was bothered by the impression that you did want to influence others:


    Should be outlawed.

    Plus, by talking about excellent approaches vs. a "no-skill shot" and comparing this online game with real golf you feed my impression to be a purist.

    Furtheron and outside of this discussion, WGT putting is pure math IMHO, see the recent post "G0LD's putting formula UPDATED"


  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 2:23 AM

    i make no secret that i chip on the greens, i do it because it adds more depth to this game for me, if wgt were to make this shot illegal i would stop doing it but until then il keep using it,

    And it has nothing to do with my putting skills as im a decent putter, i just play the percentages i look at the putt say a 19ft heavy breaker oak #1 if i think i could hole with the putter say 2 from 5 or hole with wedge 4 from 5 then i take the wedge as its the percentage shot, i understand this may offend certain players and if so feel free to decline a game with me for this reason 


    on a side note i never use a wedge for the long putts (some players use it as a way to guarantee a 2 putt where as i only use from short range when trying to bird the hole

    2 examples

    replay.aspx?ID=b8ee7e94 cf02 4576 a82e 9fb800b9562f

    replay.aspx?ID=1dca0fbb 7a2b 4d6a 8de3 a03a00cdaa93

    as i said i understand if these shots offend people and also understand if that means i go on a no play list of certain players. but its within the rules and i refuse to change how i enjoy a game to please others

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 7:46 AM

    It just makes sense to use the club that is best suited for the shot.


    aint that supposed to be a putter on the greens??

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 7:49 AM


    It just makes sense to use the club that is best suited for the shot.


    aint that supposed to be a putter on the greens??




  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 8:07 AM

    I've never used anything other than a putter on the green.  On the fringe is different, I chip or pitch every time.  In all honesty it never occured to me to try to do anything other than putt when on the green, the thought of taking a wedge and giving the ball a good smack never entered my head.  Possibly because of the reaction I know this would have got if I'd ever tried it in real life.

    If people have worked out the best way to play the ball this way and can do it better than with a putter then good luck to them.  It's not for me but there's no use shouting "Hey, you can't do that" because you obviously can.