Let these balls from Callaway take your game higher. Get a free sleeve of Chrome Tour balls when you purchase WGT Credits through 8/30.
Purchase 2,000 or more WGT credits, and you’ll automatically receive free Callaway Chrome Tour Balls (Ultra Slow Meter) (L0+). These game-changing balls deliver max distance and spin with the slower swing meter making every shot easier to hit.
Upgrade the rest of your equipment with those credits to boost your game even more. Head to the Pro Shop for a new driver to increase performance, or grab a new outfit to rock on the course. Your avatar will thank you.
Please note that these free Callaway balls will be automatically added to your inventory but will not equip automatically.
*Special offer when you buy 2,000 or more WGT credits (8/29/24-8/30/24) and get three free Callaway Chrome Tour Balls (Ultra Slow Meter) (L0+). Valid on one purchase only.