If people think this through there is no way it impacts on anyone adversely:
Sandbagging - It's a tier which will be mostly seen as above TL. Think about that;
Saturation - 53 - 57 averages are not real. Noobs see that and think like what, not realising it's saturated (pre red tee days);
Not a realistic average / stats: Well yes we can never get away from that completely, but at least it would be rolling, and from proper competition conditions with several courses needed. Some like real stats too, and what we have are poor.
People would still WD from RGs as by their nature most consider past the economic limit is time to go.
Pro Shop - A way of getting it open a little early for genuine, slightly gifted players playing from real tees. The SLDR v R1 debate would continue, but solved completely by say L93 as no way any which way you need it if you are a red tee specialist;
50 average - Good point, but solved because people like this would be unaffected. Red tees stuff would not get them to this tier, and so free to continue enjoying forever in their own way.
Entry level - I would envisage a good place to start discussing would be say 58 overall average, and this average would be saturated (WGT get the 500 RRs still). IMO it should include at least 200 RRs from real competition condition's from a minimum number of real courses (say + 100 for those already saturated at time of introduction). IMO those 100 / 200 real RRs should also be SP as that offers protection for anyone not wanting part of the new tier as much as anything, and hardly bad for WGT either.
None of the above is elite, but it's not real easy to get to shot to by accident solving that that possible complaint. I never discussed a way out (Q school type stuff) as I am not sure it's pitched high enough. There is a money list for elitism though, and so I fail to see how any of this has could be interpreted as anything to do with that.
Even more tiers after this - Not a point discussed by me.
Elitist / pseudo elitist- To dispel that myth remember it's only about a for way some common sense tracking of stats for those that are interested. In any which way how is that remotely elitist / pseudo elitist?? Real paper planes would not be in it, but it's above / alongside / above TL so there is no sandbagging problem.
If you think it through this would be a tier for the opposite of elitism - rolling and not saturated from real courses real conditions. Ideally only single play would count in this tier also also. Edit: requiring several courses in SP mode would be essential and also in any given time, and this is not aimed at elite / addicted so this can be set not high, and those that feel out of their depth an easy route out too. Also Bop3/5 / UELs would all have to be done separate of course.
Few things to think through more, but the above well in the improvement ball park.
Still in a land where gnomes won from non competitive sport is seen as the one main route to $s my hopes are low for anytime as things stand. It's still a fantastic platform, but that much needed (real) competition would change a few things fast around this place IMO, but that glorious day has yet to pass...........