There has been a buzz going around
that WGT is considering the idea of creating a new tier. For the sake
of this post, I will refer to it as STL (Super Tour Legend). If you
would have ask me how I feel about this a month or two ago, I would
have said “bad idea”. Now, I'm not so sure. It kind of takes me
back to when “Legend” was the highest tier on WGT. There was a
time when being a “Legend” meant something on WGT. You had to
work hard and actually “shoot the scores” to achieve Legend
status. Then WGT decided to water down the Legend tier under the
guise of stopping the “Sandbaggers". All you needed to do was find
a Legend that would let you beat him in a few match games and “poof”,
you were now a Legend. It did not matter what your true WGT average
was. So that was the end of the Legend tier as we knew it. Being a
Legend now is not what it used to be. It means nothing.
Although not exactly the same way, WGT
has now managed to do the same thing to the “Tour Legend” tier.
The Tour Legend tier is now being flooded with what I call “Red Tee
Tour Legends”. In their infinite wisdom, WGT decided to allow
Country Clubs to set up club tournaments that can be played from any
tee. Now you are seeing Legends that had a hard time breaking 30,
shooting 27's and 28's on a regular basis. For the life of me, I could not
understand why WGT would do something like that. Then it occurred to
me. They cheapened the Legend tier shortly before they created the
Tour Legend tier, and now they have managed to cheapen the Tour
Legend tier. My guess is that you will see a new tier real soon. IE:
When this happens, it will mean
nothing if WGT does not change the “Red Tee” tournaments in CC's.
I don't have a problem with allowing these tournaments. What I do
have a problem with is allowing them to affect your average. I feel
that anytime you play in a CC tournament that is played from a closer
tee than your tier tee, it should not affect you average. Treat them
the same way you do when playing the “Best of Par 5's” and the
“Best of Par 3's”.
I know I worked my butt off to make
Legend. I did the same thing to make Tour Legend. There was a time
when you were proud of what you accomplished. Sadly, that is no
longer the case. Tiers and averages mean nothing now. And if WGT does
not make any changes, the new STL tier will mean nothing as well.
Please WGT: If you do implement a new
tier, stop the shortcuts first! I think it's time to re-think the
entire system. Lets get real with player averages. You say you have
the most realistic golf game on the internet. How realistic is an
average of 55? Come on... Stop the ridiculous way you compute
averages. A simple way would be to base averages on your last 50 or
100 ranked rounds. Not based on your “Best” rounds. And stop the
close tee tourneys..... I'm sure there other ways to achieve this,
but it's time to change thing up before everyone on WGT is a Tour
Legend.... Just my opinion...