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Re: A Huge Shout Out to the WGT Staff

Fri, Feb 27 2015 8:09 PM (36 replies)
  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 4:38 PM

    Nice thread, Don (TS),

    The meter bug was fixed pretty quickly   (especially by previous WGT standards), the Alt shot  inviting bug is v close to being fixed and we have had no discernible downtime to correct the mistakes.

    I have no clue as to how much programming goes into this game,   but  I appreciate the time Icon and Shoe spend trawling the forums trying to answer the unanswered queries.


    Chapeau WGT.

  • JFHuber
    435 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 4:50 PM

    WGT Staff, 


    Cheers on the improvements....When WGT does good stuff they deserve to be applauded, well done.  

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 5:22 PM

    Not impressed.......Yes meter working normal today but the physics are totally whacked.


  • TEdUp
    1,381 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 5:54 PM

    Moved posting to this Forum thread:

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 6:41 PM

    Call me old school!!  

    A thank-you does go a long way.

    Communication to us simpletons (just myself I am thinking about), demonstrates that they listen and provide pro-active feedback.


  • Lizard1943
    16 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 7:16 PM

    Well here's my 2 cents. I wonder how this works at all. To me this is a technical marvel. Yes, I get pissed some times but not worth losing it over! If it gets to bad I quit playing for a while and then come back to the game. I don't know if they wear white hats or black ones but I wish I had a piece of their action. I applaud the free market enterprise. I wouldn't think there is anything malicious going on just wouldn't make sense to me to do that. I'm not a cheerleader either. Just enjoy the game. I just got knock out of a 9 hole game on th 7th but finished the game a lone and was tie for 1st. Will never know but WTF does it matter. IT'S FOR FUN!


    Call me old school!!  

    A thank-you does go a long way.

    Communication to us simpletons (just myself I am thinking about), demonstrates that they listen and provide pro-active feedback.





  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Feb 27 2015 8:09 PM


    I thought it would be nice to have a place where we as a community could thank the WGT Staff and Engineers for all their efforts. These last few months have been rough on us as players. There have been so many reports of issues; too many to count in fact.

    But with that being said, these last few days have been impressive to say the least in the manner at which the WGT Staff have responded. More importantly, the communication between the players and the WGT Staff has been simply fantastic.

    There is nothing worse than the feeling of being left in the dark. Repeatedly following the 'troublesome' threads filled with complaints hoping for a response. The responses we, the players, have been receiving this week from WGT is truly encouraging.

    I personally cannot thank the WGT Staff enough for all they do for us. The WGT Staff come under fire more often than not and it must be extremely frustrating on their end constantly putting out 'fires.'

    Thank you WGT for all of your efforts!!!

    Well said mate.

    I have not had a meter problem since I got the new puter...  or I should say, I have the occasional skip but not too bad.

    One thing since the last update, is the new faster load times and that is great.

    On the down side, because of faster load times the dots are moving quicker, which Wgt are now looking at.

    I luv the new Cle wedges,  slower meter speed is good for my slow

    I have no problems inviting people for a game anymore

    The Moderators need a huge pat on the back,  because they are the link to head office and have to be abused every day with our

    The game is getting too big for low end puters now....   we didn't have a meter issue before the adds started to appear on our screens many moons ago. 

    Thank You Wgt,   this is still the best online game out!
