Robert1893:I bet that sounded a whole lot better in your head.
You still don't get it do ya bloke.
Imagine an homogenised world where being offensive is outlawed. Such a world exists in many countries. 9/11 (RIP the brave and innocent) is a perfect example of what some will do when confronted with ideas that are offensive to personal beliefs or values.
Should we outlaw critical speech or oratory in order to appease such grubs, or should we stand firm to protect people's rights to offend and be offended?
In any case, regards VEM, I'm as yet to experience any 'strange' shot that I can't account for. Furthermore, to suggest that VEM adjusts its bandwidth according to recent form is simply preposterous. There is no logic in that whatsoever, and I've yet to see any evidence of such.
Young46 in his video stated as much, and I have provided the quotes from that video where he says so.
If you can't wrap your head around that, then there's not much else to say except jog on.