VanHalenLover: And you have no proof to support this.
Of course I do, but I'm not your educator. I'm busy working, submitting a forum post here and there. Send me $100 and I can provide you with evidence. It would take time for me to retrieve it from wherever I stored it when I had to combat these issues most recently. And time is money.
VanHalenLover: The reipient servers in this case are Hotmails servers, and you have no proof that they deleted anything
Of course there is ample proof. Set up a Hotmail account for yourself, send yourself an email from a questionable source (such as a black-listed IP address), and you'll see what happens. Very often, the email does not land in your Inbox or Spam box, but gets deleted by the email provider's 1st tier of filters. Whenever that happens, the users have no way of knowing that an email was sent to them.
VanHalenLover: And why is it that constructive suggestions are trolling in your book?
"Constructive suggestions" are always welcome, but misrepresenting another's posts and then dismantling them or professing outrage over them is textbook trolling. As illustrated in the 2 quoted examples in my previous post.
VanHalenLover: you might want to do a little info gathering on it
That FAQ section is irrelevant for what is discussed here: the 1st, user-inaccessible level of spam filters employed by email providers. This may not be openly stated by email providers in their FAQs, but they will admit it if you dig deeper, if you contact their customer support, etc.
PS: Haha, VanHalenLover, that Library webpage confirms exactly what I'm saying! They don't deliver all of the incoming emails to their users, and in such cases, the users have no way of knowing that an email had been blocked!