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some people need to get a grip

Fri, May 4 2012 7:04 AM (50 replies)
  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 12:25 PM

    After playing a few holes in a normal stroke play game(no credits) against a couple of people i was dumbfounded by the abusive post i received on my wall for leaving the game early due to personal commitments.Ive since deleted the post due to a few f bombs being dropped.No i dont want to report the player mind you the player is a lvl 92 master(go figure) with all the top equipment. My point is some people have to be reminded

    1.this is a computer game.

    2.some of us have a life away from the computer

    3.its meant to be about having fun

    It seems the sandbaggers take this game to heart. Well theirs my gripe happy hitting to the rest of you



  • fecker
    5 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 3:18 PM

    I'd suggest if you can't commit to playing a full round, you don't ruin the game for others by starting, and instead amuse yourself with a blitz game.


    the fun IS ruined if people just drop out of games.  if you don't get that, you should perhaps play solitaire.


    not excusing the foul language by the way - there is a fair few wallopers on here....just pointing out an alternative viewpoint, as I have been frustrated by people just sodding off before the end of the game.  really -  whats the point in playing ANY game if you don't see it though???

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 3:46 PM

    is OP serious? looks like a flame bait thread to me.


    When you started that game that you never intended to finish, you are the one who needs to get a grip.

    Extremely disrespectful and arrogant of you in all regards, I especially like the insult in your 2nd "point"

    You waste people's time and money for your amusement, then come here a cry about it?

    OK, nice. where's that block button? never mind, icon told me.

  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 8:29 PM


    You guys need to back off,

    I know I've played many games where I've started, then remembered I had to met a client, or see my boss etc.

    Life Happens.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 8:44 PM


    I've played many games where I've started, then remembered I had to met a client, or see my boss etc.

    Life Happens.

    This is precisely why random multi-player does not work, and is quite frankly a huge waste of time.

    Play multi-player games with friends or CC members who you know won't quit. This way a player will also be committed to the multi-player game and things will be less likely to suddenly crop-up.


  • imperialrock
    217 Posts
    Tue, May 1 2012 9:14 PM

    ^^^^^^^^^ this.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:28 AM


    I know I've played many games where I've started, then remembered I had to met a client, or see my boss etc.

    Life Happens.

    I'm amazed how many of you get to play during work time, there's no way I could.

    I agree 100% about people taking it all a bit too seriously though.  I've dropped out of about 3 or 4 games since I've been here.  One time I was waiting for my opponent to come online and warned the other players at the start that I would have to leave at some point.  The others were all when my kids have demanded my attention.  I play mostly evenings when they're in bed and sometimes they don't fall asleep as easily as I'd like and I have to go in to give them a drink, pick up a cuddle toy or whatever.  I always ask the others to play slowly and try to get back in time but I can't always make it and they play on without me.   Since they're always fellow CC members nobody has ever had a problem with this.

    The point is there are many things in life way more important than finishing a round of online golf.  Anyone who blows a fuse because they finish the round with 1 player less should think themselves damn lucky that that's the biggest problem they have at that moment.

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 11:54 AM

    SO let's see, 5 legends think people take this game too seriously and wasting other people's time and money is just fine? funny

    Two of those legends thinks playing randoms multis doesn't work and makes no sense.

    So, just how does one makes friends and/or find a CC to join without playing randoms and finding people who respect other people's time and money?

  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 7:09 PM

    Join a good CC that advertises on the Forums here under Country Club Corner.

    Random multi's can work, just better when you have people committed to the game.  And don't go and tell that you have never a game before, because of personal reasons.

    I wasn't planning on my dad having a stroke.

  • pillsy
    489 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 8:37 PM



    I know I've played many games where I've started, then remembered I had to met a client, or see my boss etc.

    Life Happens.

    I'm amazed how many of you get to play during work time, there's no way I could.

    I agree 100% about people taking it all a bit too seriously though.  I've dropped out of about 3 or 4 games since I've been here.  One time I was waiting for my opponent to come online and warned the other players at the start that I would have to leave at some point.  The others were all when my kids have demanded my attention.  I play mostly evenings when they're in bed and sometimes they don't fall asleep as easily as I'd like and I have to go in to give them a drink, pick up a cuddle toy or whatever.  I always ask the others to play slowly and try to get back in time but I can't always make it and they play on without me.   Since they're always fellow CC members nobody has ever had a problem with this.

    The point is there are many things in life way more important than finishing a round of online golf.  Anyone who blows a fuse because they finish the round with 1 player less should think themselves damn lucky that that's the biggest problem they have at that moment.

    completely reasonable.  but if someone knows they can't finish a round, don't trap 3 other people in a game that you know you're going to abandon.  what if they're trying to get 1 game in to get the XP and consecutive days streak, and have used 1/3 of a premium NIKE ball, and you bail?  they can't get the strokes back on their ball, they don't have time to play another game to get their streak, and they lose out on the 400 XP they would have got by finishing the round.  i think most players are reasonable and understand that "life happens" but it sounds like the OP was just being disrespectful from the beginning.