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some people need to get a grip

Fri, May 4 2012 7:04 AM (50 replies)
  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 8:56 PM

    Hey Troy, ignore the haters. I still don't see how the fun is ruined by someone leaving. It just speeds up the game. Personally, all of you people who tried to gang up him are making yourself look worse. If you took LIFE seriously like you took this game, you'd be better off. I suggest going to play real golf with your friends. I'm almost 99.9% sure they won't quit on you.


  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 10:05 PM

    i play at work and sometimes have to quit, i play at home sometimes and again sometimes have to quit.....things will always crop up that you did not envisage and usually when they do, they are more important than WGT. 

    If i really want a game to last, i play with friends from CC, there not great at the game though but its still kind of fun........

    If you start a multi with randoms, expect to finish alone, you will not be disappointed. 

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 10:23 PM

    I agree 100% buggyyy, most of the idiots on this site don't play real golf at all. And most all, to post the untrue or just don't want to admit what is being talked about on topic. Come to forum to pick on people. I say stay on facebook and leave the forums alone lol. I say to troy, play with people in your country club, and stay away for from the idiots. I play this game for fun, and love to hear when the idiots are going to quit when not going there way lol. Remember troy, with over 4 million people playing this game, always going to be many IDIOTS. 

    P.S. look me up, looks like you just joined my club cool.

  • cadwallater
    24 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 11:03 PM

    Unable to get the game to load for the past couple of days, and wondering whether there is an issue with my computer or WGT.    Anyone else having difficulty loading the game?   Info appreciated.  


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 11:10 PM

    troyronaldson:  It is a point of etiquette, ethics, good manners, to not waste any other persons time and thier efforts, because you see fit to join a round and are not prepared to finish playing it!  Bull Krap!  Manage your time better.  Think of the other players in your round.  They did not join a group to play a partial round of golf.  So it is a computer game, SO WHAT!  It is interaction with other people.  Those other people don't care for the way you interacted with them in a computer game, that is why the posts were put on your wall.  Every one has a life away from the computer, that is obvious, but there are many persons who play golf here because they may or can not play in real life.  This video game means a whole lot more to those in unfortunate circumstances than it obviously means to you.  It is meant to be fun, but how much fun is it when some unconcerned sub-adult QUITS! and you don't recieve your full points, but you still have your balls activity count against it.  Not much fun at all.  Now to your last point.  I am a Master, level 92, with good clubs, balls, and have been here since 12/2009.  I never QUIT without very good reason (Not my inability to manage my own time) and have never QUIT in any other circumstances.  You would call me a Sand Bagger?  You know NOTHING!  This was more than a Nickles worth, but it was mine!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 11:22 PM



    You guys need to back off,

    I know I've played many games where I've started, then remembered I had to met a client, or see my boss etc.

    Life Happens.

    If you have enough intelligence to manage your time, and a good enough memory you do not have to excuse your inabilities to those others you left on the fairway, because of the inability to remember things, and manage your time well enough.  Now as to playing this game at work or during a period of time in which your boss is paying your wages, commission, etc.  I'm quite sure that person would not appreciate your doing so.  Life does not just happen.  Things do take place that are not planned, and a person must address them to the best of thier abilities, but take a short moment to enter the chat and say perhaps " srry ermgcy must leave!"  a small statement to that effect would, could, do wonders for interpersonal relationships on this golf game site.  My long winded nickle again.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 11:29 PM


    Hey Troy, ignore the haters. I still don't see how the fun is ruined by someone leaving. It just speeds up the game. Personally, all of you people who tried to gang up him are making yourself look worse. If you took LIFE seriously like you took this game, you'd be better off. I suggest going to play real golf with your friends. I'm almost 99.9% sure they won't quit on you.


        Your reply only addresses the few who play here, not the many.  I took life seriously, and still do.  That is why i will not allow those that would make my life less enjoyable to get away with it.  I am as serious as dead meat in the sun.  MY NICKLE!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 11:30 PM


    I agree 100% buggyyy, most of the idiots on this site don't play real golf at all. And most all, to post the untrue or just don't want to admit what is being talked about on topic. Come to forum to pick on people. I say stay on facebook and leave the forums alone lol. I say to troy, play with people in your country club, and stay away for from the idiots. I play this game for fun, and love to hear when the idiots are going to quit when not going there way lol. Remember troy, with over 4 million people playing this game, always going to be many IDIOTS. 

    P.S. look me up, looks like you just joined my club cool.

    The pot calling the kettle black. my nickle.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 12:50 AM

    Hey Troy, ignore the haters. I still don't see how the fun is ruined by someone leaving. It just speeds up the game.
    True for strokeplay, partly true for matchplay (because the opponent wins), but certainly not in AS. The quitter will leave three others in a no-go situation unless he concedes or arranges a cancellation of the game before leaving (not quitting wordless).

  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 2:59 AM

    troyronaldson:  It is a point of etiquette, ethics, good manners
    you lack in all three going by the post on my wall. like i said its a COMPUTER GAME for gods sake