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Take a chill pill people

rated by 0 users
Thu, May 31 2012 9:20 AM (29 replies)
  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 9:39 AM

    Here's what I learned from this thread...

  why am I a bad person. For making a silly comment on a computer game forum. Let's see...I reached out about 2 years ago to a certain person for some tips and to join country club to no response. At that time I thought him to be very conceded and it bothered me for awhile, but then I got over it after all it is just A VIDEO GAME PEOPLE!! Some of you people on here ridicule and destroy reputations just for opinions expressed. 

     This kinda reminds me of the socialist philosophy used in the present day U.S. Come join us because you need help with your game and I know you can't do it yourself so let us show you the And if you don't join we will shun are a bad person because you won't let us help you or you don't want to help anyone that makes you a really bad person.  lol!!  '

    People, get a life! It's just a freaking computer game dominated by a socialist dicatator.

    Oh well, I just wish some people knew me better and don't just judge a book by it's cover.

    I'm out!


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 10:40 AM


  • Ihatecheats
    298 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 11:21 AM

    Wanna borrow a spade?

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 11:35 AM


    Who's the socialist dictator, BolloxInBruges? Because he wouldn't let you become a member of his CC, or give you the time of day? Wow!

    I'm not defending Bollox, he can do that on his own, I'm just trying to understand where your coming from Heath. Quite frankly, you may need some psychiatric help with the way this matter is affecting you.

  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 11:44 AM



    Who's the socialist dictator, BolloxInBruges? Because he wouldn't let you become a member of his CC, or give you the time of day? Wow!

    I'm not defending Bollox, he can do that on his own, I'm just trying to understand where your coming from Heath. Quite frankly, you may need some psychiatric help with the way this matter is affecting you.

    Richard...i'm not being serious....just sarcastic about all the people on here that beg for ***.  Thanks for being

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 11:52 AM

    It seems like course joking to me with strong innuendos. And the joking seems to be continuous with repeated threads. Your post is bordering on harassment. Don't be surprised if you get warned Heath, the moderators aren't blind.

  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 11:58 AM

    Oh, but it's ok to blame and bad mouth WGT for theirown screw-ups and calculations on the course?

  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 1:28 PM

    The post is title "Take a chill pill" ?

    Wow ok then. Carry on .

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 2:46 PM



    Here's what I learned from this thread...

  why am I a bad person. For making a silly comment on a computer game forum. Let's see...I reached out about 2 years ago to a certain person for some tips and to join country club to no response. At that time I thought him to be very conceded and it bothered me for awhile, but then I got over it after all it is just A VIDEO GAME PEOPLE!! Some of you people on here ridicule and destroy reputations just for opinions expressed. 

     This kinda reminds me of the socialist philosophy used in the present day U.S. Come join us because you need help with your game and I know you can't do it yourself so let us show you the And if you don't join we will shun are a bad person because you won't let us help you or you don't want to help anyone that makes you a really bad person.  lol!!  '

    People, get a life! It's just a freaking computer game dominated by a socialist dicatator.

    Oh well, I just wish some people knew me better and don't just judge a book by it's cover.

    I'm out!


    Hi Heath. I just don't understand where you are coming from. You titled the thread "Take a chill pill people" but you open the thread with the above post. 

    Then , this comment;

    People, get a life! It's just a freaking computer game dominated by a socialist dicatator.

    Again with all due respect Heath, you may want to take a break from the forums. Just for a little while. In the meantime for your own peace of mind, let it go Heath. 

  • GolfDum
    396 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 6:23 PM

    Well my wizard friend...explain to me how at times...your ball tends to defy gravity and go in the freaking hole. Always at the perfect speed.  I've been playing a long while... studying and practicing constantly on the greens and have had those puts on your videos many times...just seems like my ball never seems to react as your ball does...even when you don't hit the dinger it seems to find the hole 

    You moreless called Bollox out as being a cheater in saying what you said. You wonder then why people get irritated with you?

    Enough said.