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WGT Game Changes

Thu, Oct 17 2013 12:37 AM (408 replies)
  • Flyinturtle
    262 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:25 PM

    wanna combat "Baggers" how bout goin back to the old tier system and dump the levels all together. gmo


  • TheSpaghettiKid
    424 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:30 PM


    I, like a few others have stated am fine with everything here except the driver level. I have been playing like crazy to try to get to 90 and it's not happening anytime soon. I will be purchasing the driver the minute I am of level but giving thousands of players that driver at 90, then moving it 4 levels and 5-6 months further away for other players isn't fair in my opinion.

    Lastly, I play with 4-5 gentlemen every evening that all have the driver. Yes it's good but it's not 4 levels higher good.

    Want to slow leveling down? Take away the level candy bars. Make the lower levels require more experience per level but please don't punish those of us who are so close we can taste it.

    I totally understand the level thing and the sandbagger thing but this is NOT the way to combat it.

    Please re-think this matter. The higher level good players will simply stay hitting it better and further. The mediocre players will be the ones that suffer.


    When you say "THIS"... u r referring to the driver issue only, yes?

    I agree, much more than this driver issue needs to be done to combat the sandbagger issue.  In fact, this step doesn't do anything to address the sandbagging.  But it does show a willingness by WGT to possibly restrict other equipment by Tier.  Doesn't it?  Maybe? 

    Keep hope alive!  lol.

  • Flyinturtle
    262 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:34 PM

    let me revise what i said earlier." all equipment Level 70 or higher will require a Pro or higher tier to unlock." this is a great start if you could expand on this concept it would be great.


  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:35 PM

    Yeah the driver level going up sucks a lot :( 


    The Pro tier thing is good since it's not hard to get to Pro with Starter equipment, doesn't hinder people who want to save up for high level equipment like myself and not waste $ on mid level equipment theyll end up having to toss anyway

  • TheSpaghettiKid
    424 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:39 PM


    let me revise what i said earlier." all equipment Level 70 or higher will require a Pro or higher tier to unlock." this is a great start if you could expand on this concept it would be great.


    Agreed 100%

    Keep hope alive!




  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:40 PM

    Are you listening to the feedback (Mister)WGT?

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:46 PM

    R11s just went from about 2 months away to more like a year away for people a month and saying maybe you can level up by then is foolish. You probably can't get from 89 to 90 in one month its over 55k.

    time to quote Yancy. "Its all beta people"


  • Topcat488
    172 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:53 PM



    ladzris makes a very good point concerning the R11s driver.  I'm lucky enough to have already reached level 90 so am not affected by the change...but to make other legends wait until level 94 is punitive and will actually hurt sales.

    Legends should have access to all clubs no matter their level, imo...they've earned that much at least.

    I applaud wgt for taking a more active hand in things, but this particular change seems unfair to me.

    A lot of the lower level legends became legends by playing nothing but the front side of St. Andrews and the back side of Kiawah Island and tiered up very quickly then found they didn't have the clubs to compete at the legend tier. They painted themselves into a corner so to speak. Wanting to brag look how fast i made legend. No all legends should not have access to all the equipment. Not as the level system is now. It is no ones fault but their own that they tiered up quickly but didn't level up at the same pace. Any player regardless of skill can camp out on the Front side of St. Andrews and make legend in no time. It just takes common sense to play every course and tier up at the same pace that you level up. But how can doing it like that inflate the ego of the players who want brag that he or she made legend in 2 months or less. 


    My first instinct when i read this post from "Sting-want-to-be" is to tell him to STFU...  But i'm not, coming down so hard, on a man, that seems to LOVE our God...  So i'll just say "Take a good look in the mirror", and stop Judging people.  

    Now to the WGT Team... Are you all, a bunch of idiots, or are you for real...  How can you even consider punishing "Legends".  Isn't the perfect joy of the game, getting to tee off at the back tees... To make a long story short...  Punish the Sandbagger,  and open up the playing field (ProShop), so your Glorious Legends can have a fighting chance, to keep up from waaaaaay back there...

    No matter how one gets to Legend, just getting there, should reserve the right for the biggest shotgun (Driver), the best assault rifles (Irons), and most accurate pistol (Putter) in the house... Wake the "F" up !!! 

  • johntonya0689
    705 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 7:56 PM

    Thanks WGT for another screw job.  How can you feel that it's fair to move the new driver to level 94 and then say hey you've got a month to level up.  Now all the players at level 90 get a greater advantage.  I need 58,000 pts to get to 90 which means about 2300 a day,boy that should be easy.  Oh i forgot i can "BUY" level boosters now huh. What a croc.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 8:01 PM


    TPs neeeeed the clubs

    Epic fail