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Now Dont Get Me Wrong..............

Wed, Aug 22 2012 6:11 AM (48 replies)
  • jude27
    3 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 3:35 AM


    I think you's have me all wrong, i dont expect or even want to be fantastic at the game, as i've said, if i ever start hitting sub 60 or God forbid sub 50 rounds then the game will have lost its allure completely, i just want  the ball or the green etc to react how i'm told it will react.

    Every round i play there are numerous examples of the game reacting against the information it supplies, in my last 9 holes i had a 2nd shot of 155 yards to the pin 32ft uphill, so i used an iron that hit 155 yards at its fullest, yet the ball went screaming past the hole before it even landed???

    I too have played almost every incarnation of golf game, whether it be for the PC or game console and this is by far the worst in regards to how bad the shot information is compared to how the shot actually plays, this does not mean its the worst golf game i have ever played, but it is the most frustrating.

    I'm hitting 99% of fairways, 90% of greens and 90% of the time i'm well within 5 or 6 yards of the pin, its only when the game gives me duff information of a shot that i tend to struggle and because the putting info is the worst part of the game it makes sense that i struggle with this the most.

    For me you could make the game even harder, but at least get the shot information right, otherwise its no longer a difficult but largely satisfying game, just a poor one.

    Hi Garry ,

    have you ever played real golf ; that is trudged round 6000 and odd yard of grass hitting a little white ball ? WGT is the closest you can get without going into the great out doors , that game also takes years to master and can be really frustrating and things don't always go as you think they should , yes the game has its anomalies but so does real life golf, bounces off fair ways that should not happen ; just smile shrug your shoulders and hit it again , you put it there you get it out of there . Yes WGT has its faults just roll with them.

    Happy golfing every one

  • GarryEdkins
    49 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 6:18 AM

    Well, i played a few rounds today and tried a few different things, but same old same old, downhill shots are often uphill and vice versa and 80% of putts i have to try to "CURL" into the hole?


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 6:49 AM

    I went back to your original post to make sure I didn't miss something extremely relevant here-your equipment. Nobody pointed out you using starter wedges!! I've been reading along here without looking at what you use. Everything you said is very typical of this game when you use poor clubs. 

    You're using starter wedges and your stats bear this out. 23% saves from sand, 34% from rough and 20 feet average distance to pins on approach. You spent $ on clubs to get you from the tee to somewhere around the green, got a decent putter and, by the looks of it, are trying to make heroic approach shots and failing. Then you can't get up and down to save par. I could see where you're getting extremely disillusioned.

    You have 2 choices here-be disillusioned and quit  or change the way you play. Without spending another dime, stop trying to make those heroic shots. Accept learning how to get up and down to save par (for now) and hit your approach to a spot in the fairway where you can take a good wedge shot at the pin. Play for par, the birdies will happen. Get those save %s over 50%.  

    Wedge play is critical in this game, especially from shorter tees like you're on. Learn the shots that come with wedges. All of them. And with half way decent wedges, like the Satins. They won't break the bank. It always comes down to putting so turn that 60 footer into a 6 footer. Get a short game and play this like the real thing.  GL

  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 6:57 AM

    and 80% of putts i have to try to "CURL" into the hole?

    I thought the earth was flat too.

  • GarryEdkins
    49 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 7:38 AM

    Well written, but sadly completely wrong.

    Thing is, i rarely if ever use my wedges, my iron shot usually finds the green and if i did what you suggested i'd end up 4 putting every hole.

    Thanks though ;)

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 8:11 AM


    I went back to your original post to make sure I didn't miss something extremely relevant here-your equipment. Nobody pointed out you using starter wedges!! I've been reading along here without looking at what you use. Everything you said is very typical of this game when you use poor clubs. 

    You're using starter wedges and your stats bear this out. 23% saves from sand, 34% from rough and 20 feet average distance to pins on approach. You spent $ on clubs to get you from the tee to somewhere around the green, got a decent putter and, by the looks of it, are trying to make heroic approach shots and failing. Then you can't get up and down to save par. I could see where you're getting extremely disillusioned.

    You have 2 choices here-be disillusioned and quit  or change the way you play. Without spending another dime, stop trying to make those heroic shots. Accept learning how to get up and down to save par (for now) and hit your approach to a spot in the fairway where you can take a good wedge shot at the pin. Play for par, the birdies will happen. Get those save %s over 50%.  

    Wedge play is critical in this game, especially from shorter tees like you're on. Learn the shots that come with wedges. All of them. And with half way decent wedges, like the Satins. They won't break the bank. It always comes down to putting so turn that 60 footer into a 6 footer. Get a short game and play this like the real thing.  GL


    This is the answer, and TS you need to relize reading your post I will add you need to pay attention to elevation changes. YJ has posted some great advice here. Through reading your post YJ has given you a great answer although I am reading you are having elevation problems as well. For every 3 ft of elevation = a yard +/- in the numbers you need to calculate. This is the #1 thing I think your complaining about. For example a 240 yard shot with 30ft elevation is more like a 250 yard shot etc. This comes with experince, simple as that. Alot of player look at the Top Players and are like "Cheat" or "No way I can't do that" but if you click on any of the top 10 players at months end the thing they all have in common is they have played thousand's of ranked rounds, so they know the course well and deviations and how to correct them.

    Simple get out there hit some ball and have fun,


  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 8:33 AM


    This is the answer, and TS you need to relize reading your post I will add you need to pay attention to elevation changes. YJ has posted some great advice here. Through reading your post YJ has given you a great answer although I am reading you are having elevation problems as well. For every 3 ft of elevation = a yard +/- in the numbers you need to calculate. This is the #1 thing I think your complaining about. For example a 240 yard shot with 30ft elevation is more like a 250 yard shot etc. This comes with experince, simple as that. Alot of player look at the Top Players and are like "Cheat" or "No way I can't do that" but if you click on any of the top 10 players at months end the thing they all have in common is they have played thousand's of ranked rounds, so they know the course well and deviations and how to correct them.

    Simple get out there hit some ball and have fun,


    +1!!  Great advice to 99% of the complainers and blame WGT'ers on here!  Couldn't have said it better myself...

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 10:28 AM


    Well written, but sadly completely wrong.

    Thing is, i rarely if ever use my wedges, my iron shot usually finds the green and if i did what you suggested i'd end up 4 putting every hole.

    Thanks though ;)

    Looking at your wedges, I see why you don`t use them.You upgraded all of your other clubs, but not your wedges. You can compare this game to real life golf, but in doing so you must also understand this. In real golf, the worlds best players misread the greens too. Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods,and all the other great golfers, have never made each and every putt a birdie. And just like them, you wont do it either. I also notice, that for the help that we are trying to give you ,is help that you don`t seem to want. So the bottom line is , if you want to play better, you can. Many of us will and are trying to help you. Now take the advice and work on your game,it`s just that simple. If you  wont do that , then there is nothing more that we can do. So fellow players, it`s time to bring this pity party to an end. I for one know, that you can`t help a person who wont help themselves. Oh, by the way,if you are so good without using your wedges, then why this post in the forums? Happy Swinging . Seeeeee Yaaaaaa.


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 10:57 AM

    Garry, are you still carrying-on with the O-woe-is me pity party?

    Why don't you stop feeling sorry for yourself, drop all the game is out to get me syndrome, and learn how to play the game!

    Everyone experiences deviations in this game. You act like it shouldn't happen to you, and when it does, it's the game being all messed-up for you only.

    Get with it Chap!


  • GarryEdkins
    49 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2012 12:29 PM

    Sorry fella's but your talking crap, i dont want pity, i just want the shot info i'm given to correlate with the shot i'm playing ffs

    I hate it when people brown nose and suck ***