I deleted bunch of personal attacks.
If you guys' don't stop, I will start issuing warnings and bans.
Stay on topic and keep personal animosity out of forums.
WGTICON...how about if you just give me a legitimate answer?
There is no way that the leader of the tournament can miss the cut. I did not withdraw, I did not fail to play the 4th round within the allotted time...I was shown as missing the cut...how can the leader miss the cut??? No one got any credits...how is that? It's not the money sir, it is the principle of the thing. You promised to get back to me after your last response months ago, but you have not.
Check me out, then check 'he who shall go unnamed' out...who blogs on the forum 10 times a day on a myriad of subjects with regularity? And who shuts up, pays their money and plays golf?
If I were in charge here, I know who I would want gaming on my site. Have you ever heard ONE disparaging word from me or about me until I was attacked and called a liar?? NO SIR YOU HAVE NOT!
Stay classy...