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How the new average is computed for legend

Mon, Nov 5 2012 5:45 PM (114 replies)
  • Kriztjan
    1,437 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 3:53 AM


    Why do RG's and CC's count towards these 100 rounds to qualify for the Tour Legend  tier ???   It should be 100 "ranked" rounds....end of story, not a bunch of low wind Ready Go or Country Club tourneys.

    Why does WGT keep spoon feeding the guys with these super low averages ??

    It's because they cant play to their averages if they play play under full conditions.....

    Hahaha.....What a joke !!

    Just saying...........I personally will endeavour to get to the Tour legend tier by playing each and every course the right way, I wont be taking any soft options.




    The RG pending from heavy winds to low winds on all the different courses, and various greenspeeds, from fast to Championship, some of the legend RG plays from a shorter tee, and i tell you, its much easier to score on a regular scored round then on RG, so get your facts straight before talking about something that you dont have any clue on.

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 9:12 AM

    I thank you Genorb so much for this wonderful information especially about the only needing 100 additional ranked rounds for your average to stabilize.  Mine has gone down very little but it hasn't gone up very much since the update I am managing to keep it stable for now until my extra 100 ranked rounds are completed.

  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 9:53 AM



    Let me share you mine, that applies also for the ones that don't keep track of the average, so the "A" don't confuse anyone 



    Gents, my theory is:

    your current average belong to best 400 ranked rounds.

    now those 400 best round are frozen. Example. 58av = (400x58)/400 

    and you will add 100 round to those frozen ranked rounds.

    every new round will be added to that amoun, good or bad.

     - lf you made a new score of 58: Av = ((400x58)+58)/401 = 58 (nothing changes)

     - If you made a new score of 57: Av = ((400x58)+57)/401 = 57.997 ~ 58 

     - If you made a new score of 52: Av = ((400x58)+57)/401 = 57.985 ~ 57.99

     - If you made a new score of 63: Av = ((400x58)+57)/401 = 58.012 ~ 58.01


    I have the scores and names of all the ranked round I made as legend, more than 1200, with all the stats, % averages, best 400 rounds... etc.

    So up to now, my theory is correct. but I need to make some more rounds to double check. :)



    Thanks JV. 

    Keep us informed jvr. Just curious,,,

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 10:14 AM


    Your numbers and calculations are almost certainly correct. Thank you for doing the leg work. But I think there is one discrepancy about the trip from Legend to Tour Legend.

    I find it very doubtful that a new Legend will need to play 500 ranked rounds and have a sub 60 avg to reach tour legend.

    I think a TM who reaches legend today will need 100 ranked rounds and a sub 60 avg. Not 500.

    I'm just guessing here, but I think the reason everyone has to play 100 ranked rounds from X date, is more like a starter's pistol than anything else.

    My theory is based on nothing more than what seems like it fits the existing mold:

    20/ 70 avg

    30/ 67 avg

    40/ 63 avg

    50/ 61 avg

    100/ 60 avg

    The jump from 50 games to 500 seems a bit much for hanging out at the penultimate tier.

    Edit: Frankly, I think it should be 500 rounds and a sub 60 avg. The top tier should be next to impossible for  normal people to reach, but exclusivity hasn't been WGT's m.o. in the past and I wouldn't expect that to change.

    We won't know for sure until someone with fewer than 500 rounds, but more than 100 rounds since day X with a sub 60 avg reaches (or does not reach) Tour Legend.

    As a side note, I hope that Tour Legend averages are true averages and not based on the best whatever number of games.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 10:54 AM

    Thank you so very much Genorb. You were more than clear in your answers.

    So I'll just keep playing and posting ranked rounds, cross the 100 round threshold, and enter the Tour Legend tier in a natural manner.

    Now if I can only shoot sub-30 rounds, my average will stay the same for the most part, and I won't have far to go to get under the sub-60 average threshold. I was almost there before the update.

    By the way, I've shot at least 1500 ranked rounds since becoming a Legend player more than a year ago. So the 400+ ranked rounds have been definitely covered.

    Thanks again Genorb, and thanks for the time and patience you put-in to help the community. : )

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 11:10 AM


    I think a TM who reaches legend today will need 100 ranked rounds and a sub 60 avg. Not 500.

    You could be right there. To know for sure, as you mentioned, we will need to wait to see if someone with less than 500 rounds played as legend can be promoted to Tour legend.

    My guess was based on the fact that before the update, a Tour Master needed only 50 rounds to get a stabilized average (and thus be able to get promoted to Legend) while a legend needed 400 rounds. That was a huge gap already. i wouldn't be surprised if, after this update, 500 rounds would be needed to get a stabilized average as legend and thus 500 rounds (at least) would be needed to get promoted to Tour Legend.


  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 11:11 AM


    Thank you so very much Genorb.

    You are welcome Richard.



  • superchuck
    210 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 11:11 AM


    For what it's worth, I don't think it makes any difference.  I only recently reached the Legend tier and after reaching that level, I discovered that nothing worked the way it did when I was in earlier tiers.  The scale is much faster and I cannot consistently catch it at the center. 

    Furthermore, things that used to work, like lining up putts and the distance a putt was likely to travel also changed making my putting anything but reliable.


    Therefore, I have decided that it is no longer worth my time to continue playing this stupid game.  I cannot ever get any better and there is absolutely no hope I will ever start shooting the sort of scores that the cheaters do.  I look at the results of tournaments and see people who shoot in the low 50's and have longest drives well over 450 yards.  That is beyond comprehension and can only be accomplished by cheating.  If you have to cheat in order to win, you are not really playing golf.



    Perhaps you're playing for the wrong reasons. It is a game, it is difficult, and it is wonderful. Just curious, what are your views on golf in general? Are you better now than you were when you first picked-up the game? I'll bet there is greater than zero chance that you are. Point is, don't quit playing because some one is better than you are, but try to get to the point where you are better than you were before. Kinda like life in general. Someone is better. Strive to be that someone. It's funner that way. And we all know that fun is the most fun to have.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 12:12 PM

    Just a brief FYI. Any Legend player near 60.xx average, it appears averages remain the same with a round of 30/60, and 29/58. Averages will lower with any round of 28/56 and below.

  • Woodsonbergski
    51 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2012 3:01 PM

    as a recent graduate to legend I sympathize with Spitlist, until I reached this level I had something to look forward to, I could compete.  I admit my ego has cost me by restarting thousands of times when I knew or thought I would not be entering a competitive round ( the true anti-sandbagger).  Now I am forced to try and compete with players that are usually 6 to 10 shots better than me.  I guess the only way we can compete is to start our own tier (the recent legends c.c.)  anyone who knows how to go about this please let me know or invite me if you're way ahead on this.   I also suspect that more than a few multi-account holders started a new account after reaching legend and hitting THE WALL.