It shouldn't make a difference to any one if all of us sub 60 legends played St Andrews front 9, 100 times to achieve tour legend status as the majority of us have reached 58 and lower by playing every ready go available (and over 400 ranked rounds, we might score 61 at oakmont 1 day or 58 the next) to reach 58 we've all played 100 rounds on all the different courses anyway to have reached 58 in the first place, so if all of us wanted to reach tour legend quickly playing 100 rounds at st andrews it shouldn't really be a problem, WGT have even supplied us all with x4 boosts to do it by next week!
READY GO's are exactly the same as playing RANKED ROUNDS on any course or the free tournaments. Ready go's are SINGLE PLAY, a player who has reached sub 59 in ONLY playing ready go's deserves as much or even more credit as doing it "the easy" way playing ranked rounds in which you choose a course. What difference does it make? I could play 5 ready go's today and only score sub 60 in 2, but i bet if i played 5 courses i chose from ranked stroke play i would get 3 or 4. (heck starting over i would get all 5)
If i would have played more ready go's than i do now and ranked rounds on top i bet my average would be in the 55's to 56 but i prefer matchplay so i'm still on 58. Each to their own, i've played people with averages of 55 and beaten them (and lost too) and i've also lost to players with a 61+ average so it doesn't make a difference what the hell our average is. If there was a NFK off pro tees and some one played it 100 times, does it really matter what his average has become? that person would still have to play gainst one of us in ready go's or matchplay so if he's got to tour legend a easy way, its his own fault, not any of us, he still has to compete against the best of us just the same. One things for sure, by lowering your average quickly, you wont have a chance in finding a matchplay game anymore..LOL.
"good Effort Fabian any way"
You cant win, you dont bring your average down you get called a sandbagger, bring it down to quickly and your a "show pony"..LOL we'll have to find a new word for opposite to sandbagger..LOLOL