I have 725 ranked rounds. How can I tell how many of these are as a Legend?
There is no way to retrieve that information. Those who know how many rounds they played as legend is because they counted them.
I have been playing my ars off here lately and have noticed that on a good round (sub59) my avg only goes down .02 on 18 hole rounds and .01 on 9 hole rounds. Is this normal??
There is no difference between a 9-hole and a 18-hole. A 9-hole count as a 18-hole (the score is multiplied by 2). Posting twice the same low score consecutively doesn't decrease the average with a constant gap. For example let's assume that you played 20 rounds and posted 60 each time. For you 21th round you post a 55. Your average is then
(20*60 + 1*55) / 21 = 59.76
So your average decreased by 0.24. Now for your 22th round you post again a 55. Your average is then
(20*60 + 2*55) / 22 = 59.55
So your average decreased by 0.21 and not 0.24.
Can one make it to TL tier with an avg of more than 59.99 ?? If they calculate the last 100 rounds and they are avg 59.99 or under, Does this mean that they will qualify?? For instance: I have played 61 ranked rounds since update, my avg from those rounds is a 57.44. If I can keep that pace of play and hit the 100 ranked, could I turn TL, or still need to be 59.99. At the rate of .02 decrease in avg, this will take me a year FFS.
What is not yet known for sure is the number of rounds needed to move to TL for legend who had less than 400 rounds (for those who played more than 400 rounds, they just need to play 100 additional rounds).
What I think is that you need to have played at least 500 rounds before being qualified for promotion. Once you have played those 500 rounds as soon as your average is equal to 60 (not 59.99) or below, you are promoted to TL.