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How the new average is computed for legend

Mon, Nov 5 2012 5:45 PM (114 replies)
  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 6:55 PM

    Your average is the average of your best 15 or 20 scores (I don't recall which number it is off-hand) SINCE you made your current tier.  This is to prevent sandbagging.

    Obviously, once you've got 15 (or 20) scores since tiering-up, your average can only go down or remain the same.

    No, it's not quite right.  But it beats the alternative (sandbaggers).

  • jvr86
    799 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 8:58 PM

    Prob wont be TL rg's for another month or so.


    very good advice. I normally play most of the legend only R&G...

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 1:45 AM

    The problem with TL tier is that it opens up legend tier to sandbaggers, where before there were none.

    I wonder how many MBAs, meetings, memos and money it took to conceive of this this latest blunder

    What is the point of this tier anyway? The same top players will be dominating it, while the sandbaggers continue to plunder the naive's credits.

    In the end, i guess it doesn't matter since WGT gets a cut of everything.

  • jvr86
    799 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 2:57 AM

    The problem with TL tier is that it opens up legend tier to sandbaggers, where before there were none.

    Valid point, but the point of sandbaging is to tee off frome a shorter tee, I think this wont be the case because I think Tour Legends will tee off from same places of Legends, same as Tm's and M's

    There can be a little sandbagging problem in Ready to go, Some legend that is supposed to have an under 60 average, is not in TL and is taking advantage of the real Legends wining the ready to go's, but this also eliminates the problems because playing ready to go's eventually will move them to next tier.

    What I really can see as a problem for high average legend (60+) is the late Tour legend Acceptances. For example a current 57 average legend,  can be waiting for all legend (under 60) to tier up, and when there is no big dogs in the house, he will be able to play all legend ready to go's. He wont be having any opponent. This will be a temporary problem, but 100 rounds with no opponents (except for the other TL baggers), is a lot of money.


  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 5:56 AM

    For the record, average here means the average of your X best ever rounds. X depends on your tier. For Tour Master, X = 50 (thus your average is the average of your 50 best ever scores you posted). For Legend, before the last update, X = 400.

    Concerning sandbagging, yes that's a possible issue, but not really for the current top players. There is the timing problem mentioned by Javier, namely not all the top players will be promoted at the same time, it depends how fast they play 100 rounds. Those who are playing a lot will be promoted soon, those who are playing less will be promoted a bit later. But that's just a transitionary state and this is not a problem on the long term.

    Indeed, a player with an average of 54 (or 57) before the update would need to score an average larger or equal to 84 (or 72) to get an average above 60 during these 100 additional rounds to stay on the long term in the legend tier. This would be too obvious not to be seen.

    So beside the timing problem (not all top players will move at the same time), the real problem could be about the next top players to come (who are at a lower tier for the moment or not yet registered). But really if you want to get easy money, it's better to sandbag at lower tier than legend. I don't think it will be a real problem. We will see.

    Don't forget also that WGT has said that they will take into account tournament results for tier promotion. We don't know yet how it will be done, but to win tourney you need to post low scores which lower your average. If in addition, wining tourney (or being in the top of the leaderboards) accelerate the process, it will become much harder to sandbag and you will be promoted rather quickly.

    Of course there is always the problem with multiple account, where you can start over as much as you want (as long as you go unnoticed), but that's an independant problem not linked to the creation of this new tier.


  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 6:59 AM

    I dont see a person staying in the Legend Tier as sandbagging. Unless its like what Genorb says above and the person shoots an 84 average to raise him/her over 60. 

    We are still talking about the Legend tier, of which 2 weeks ago people called the best of the best....mostly. 

    The real sandbagging issues are tour pro and below. Because its so easy to create a second account and start over. If someone wants to sandbag in the Legend Tier, they still have to beat some very solid Legend players. 


  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 7:19 AM


    If someone wants to sandbag in the Legend Tier, they still have to beat some very solid Legend players. 

    Ho yes. That's always the same group of top players that dominate the field but that's because there are tens of them. If there were only 2-3 top players, they wouldn't dominate as much because, first of all, that's not easy to play at the top all the time and, secondly, other players can also play very well regularly.

    Yesterday I played a match play against Ryan (BeachedMulligan) and he kicked my butt severely :) (still have pain to sit down lol). It was an impressive round from you Ryan :) .


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 7:58 AM


    For what it's worth, I don't think it makes any difference.  I only recently reached the Legend tier and after reaching that level, I discovered that nothing worked the way it did when I was in earlier tiers.  The scale is much faster and I cannot consistently catch it at the center. 

    Furthermore, things that used to work, like lining up putts and the distance a putt was likely to travel also changed making my putting anything but reliable.

    Funny, when I made Legend, I noticed the hole got farther away and the greens a little faster.  And that was THE ONLY CHANGE from TM to Legend.  The meter is exactly the same as it was, lining up putts is exactly the same as it was (save adjusting for faster greens), and everything else was just the way it was.  Hence, I'm thinking it's not the game that is stupid.


    That is beyond comprehension and can only be accomplished by cheating.  If you have to cheat in order to win, you are not really playing golf.



    Did we really need another person equating their own incompetence with other's cheating?  "I am not capable of doing this, so those that do it must cheat."  You folks are truly pathetic.

    Anybody remember Spud Webb?  Basketball player, around 5'7".  He was 5'7" and could dunk the hell out of a basketball.  I'm 5'11" and can't.  Spud cheated.



  • jvr86
    799 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 8:01 AM

    Well. we have the first tour legend...

    you can check him going to WGT COMMUNITY, Players, and select Tour Legend Tier. (I believe I cant put names in forums)


    Lol he worked a lot...

    Congrats First Tour Legend.


  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2012 1:14 PM


    The real sandbagging issues are tour pro and below. Because its so easy to create a second account and start over. If someone wants to sandbag in the Legend Tier, they still have to beat some very solid Legend players. 


    Plenty of Hold Back Legends are sandbagging the TM tier, the main advantage being the front tees.

    the solution to almost all of the sandbagging would be to tie gear to tier. Levels should reflect how long or how much you have played, Tier should reflect your skill.

    The way it's set up now, Over Geared, Under Tiered players are the bane of WGT.