These free credits are waste of time. You end up spending more time on that page, then playing the game and getting hardly any credits. Its getting worse and worse. WGT cares more about keeping those companies that offer the surveys and videos and offers, more than the actual players that enjoy the game and need the credits. It used to be the best option for people that can't afford to pay for credits themselves, but now its just waste of time for hardly anything. I am not supporting any of these changes to earning free credits. If they are not going to help us that can't buy credits, then eventually people are going to leave.
I say again, I am not supporting the video changes they made. I will not bother with it, if wgt is going to do this stuff to there main people that come to their site, then they can ummm ummm my you know what.
Absolutely spot on my friend. I would be slightly less annoyed about them reducing the credits awarded for the views made, if they had increased the opportunities available. Over here in Britain, we're back to the 7 carousel video's, a few at the top of the page and no extras in the surveys section at all. Quite clearly, WGT are making a statement here....... either pay money for your equipment, play with the basic free stuff, or bugger off, because we don't want you on here any more !
I fully understand that the people who are used to paying the rapidly increasing cost of new products on here, won't care less about these changes. Having said that, there are many, many thousands who cannot afford to operate that way and I I think WGT are going to be quite shocked at the number of people they lose, once the credits quickly start to dwindle away from their accounts.
I can only assume that WGT have considered this and are quite happy for it to happen. If they haven't...... they have made one almighty '*** up' !