I agree for the most part, except for one this (as shown with the flash fiasco of last few weeks).
While this forum's software is not ideal for this (I'll be first to admit that), it's adequate. The problem, new and old members chose not to search or read forums for the latest but make a new thread and get a reply in the email. That's fine, of course, that's their call, but this is not my forum but our forum, so when I don't reply, other players come in and do that.
Anytime I have a question about anything I do 2 things first: google it or if it's specific to some website, search it there. Making new topic and then waiting for a reply not only not efficient but likely will not yield you the best answer.
WGTicon - Your comment that "Many times the ideas are old and repetitive or same question asked in other places or thread does not need my input..." is a major part of the problem of WGT's perception by its members here. Those repetitive ideas are repetitive to you but they are not repetitive to the new poster. A moderator should be able to steer a new poster with an old question to the location where it has been dealt with before.
For example, how many times have people asked for a driving range and putting green? WGT ignores the suggestion anymore because it is so repetitive. But not to the OP who has only one or two or seven or 25 posts here. All they see is that you are ignoring them. You have access to the Product Suggestion List, just like I do. Steer them to it, lock replies and stop the ridicule of that person before it even starts.
Likewise, when someone suggests something new, a simple "Thank you for the suggestion. It sounds like something I should be forwarding on." or "We'll take a look at it." would diffuse our frustration at being ignored. That is not happening now. We are dealt total silence by WGT for honest and constructive suggestions. A good example is right here:
That suggestion is really something that should be on WGT's "to-do" list on a regular basis but obviously isn't. And for trying to help you make your job and business more effective we were met with total silence, as if we were put on the "ignore" list.
My honest observation as a former corporate customer service trainer is that WGT employees spend too much time looking at too many things from their own perspective and not from the perspective of that particular individual customer..