Icon plays under a different name. He doesn't play for credits, but he does play the game. He's pretty good at it also.
Ya, ya think? WGTIcon's stats/gear/level/tier are dubious at best. He can play with the more than 1 account, yet the rest of us can't? One set of rules for the rulers another for the masses they make money off of..... sound familiar? Love it.
As for the original topic:
How many mods does it take to say " try a different browser or clear your cache"?
We all already have a mod for that, plus he looks out to ensure no exploiter's feelings are hurt by being called out by those they exploit.
We also have a couple more mods that issue edicts, whoops I mean make announcements regarding upcoming changes asking for "feedback" which is completely ignored.
Freedom of Speech is a red herring, it doesn't exist.
Party on, WGT!!