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Hire More Forum Moderators

Wed, Aug 29 2012 2:55 PM (55 replies)
  • Lmorgan007
    408 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2012 4:43 AM



    Icon plays under a different name. He doesn't play for credits, but he does play the game. He's pretty good at it also.

    Ya, ya think?  WGTIcon's stats/gear/level/tier are dubious at best. He can play with the more than 1 account, yet the rest of us can't? One set of rules for the rulers another for the masses they make money off of..... sound familiar? Love it.

    As for the original topic:

    How many mods does it take to say " try a different browser or clear your cache"?

    We all already have a mod for that, plus he looks out to ensure no exploiter's feelings are hurt by being called out by those they exploit.

    We also have a couple more mods that issue edicts, whoops I mean make announcements regarding upcoming changes asking for "feedback" which is completely ignored.

    Freedom of Speech is a red herring, it doesn't exist.

    Party on, WGT!!


    Freedom of speech is a noble right.  Where things go wrong is when people abuse this right and chose to use the Forum to defame others based on no evidence, or resort to name-calling or writing insulting comments on The Walls of other players.  Under such circumstances the mods are quite right to apply the Community Guidelines and IMHO they do a good job.


  • Lmorgan007
    408 Posts
    Tue, Aug 21 2012 4:45 AM


    I remember the times when there was no moderator here, and please believe me, the posts were much more interesting, tawdry and fun to read...fact of life.


    Things can still get pretty heated even now (even with the  mods around), Sweetie.


  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Tue, Aug 28 2012 11:38 PM


    Freedom of speech is a noble right.

    That's about the funniest thing I ever heard. You must be a noble. There is no free speech on this private forum. Just ask Icon.

    The only funnier thing I've heard is "It's a Free Country"

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Tue, Aug 28 2012 11:56 PM

    The only funnier thing I've heard is "It's a Free Country"

    That's the biggest lie ever. My parents pay taxes. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 4:53 AM

    My parents pay taxes. 

    So YOU have a future.....

  • Lmorgan007
    408 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 2:55 PM



    Freedom of speech is a noble right.

    That's about the funniest thing I ever heard. You must be a noble. There is no free speech on this private forum. Just ask Icon.

    The only funnier thing I've heard is "It's a Free Country"

    Freedom of speech is a noble right and it does exist on this forum, provided that it doesn't stray into personal abuse.  I'm fully aware that you've had some posts removed but that's only because you started abusing and insulting other members; the one on the 'Stop the Sex Talking' thread for example was pretty low and deserved to be modded.  On the other hand you've written a lot of posts that are highly critical of WGT and their business model (fair enough) and they haven't been removed.  

    Oh and I'm not a noble; not that it is any of your business to ask.