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Artifically high handicapps ... quitting on last hole

Sun, Jul 25 2010 5:14 PM (46 replies)
  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Sun, May 16 2010 12:12 AM


    Mr JB is correct, MPC;s! :))


    I suppose that you're correct.. after all .. if your not playing for credits it really shouldn't matter... lol

    66 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 6:10 AM

    I played a stroke play match the other day vs some scrubby pros and they were antagonizing me and telling me not to quit and to finish. I made them all quit by 4th hole :)

  • youareintrouble
    103 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 9:30 AM

    Very good question i was going to ask at some point.   Also, does quitting unlimited tournaments and ranked rounds in single player count also? 

  • Kosei82
    144 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 3:22 PM

    My state doesnt allow MPC or Ready go Tournys so for me what i do i is play random match play games/or w/ buddies when not playing in the weekly tourneys so if they decide not to finish you get a "victory". Also you can meet new friends that way(random matches) so when you play stroke play you know who you're playing w/ and stick w/ a group of friends who dont leave ya hanging. Keeps those foursomes turning into just you by the 4th tee box away. 

    Happy hitting

  • Gloveberg
    55 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 5:54 PM

    What is worse, players that play the whole game except for the very last hole or "Masters" that play nothing but St. Andrews with Master R9 and G10 drivers?

    I would rather have people play the whole game and then not putt out (which I'll admit I have done a few times) then just up and bail after they have one bad hole, therefore wasting the time in looking for and loading up a game.

  • Waltermydoinhere
    13 Posts
    Wed, May 19 2010 4:25 AM

    This happened to me the 1st week I started playing the game.  I joined a random multi-player.  His Handicap was incredible.   He as actually nice and giving me tips and such.  Then I started to catch on.  With the basic clubs and it being my first week I didn't think I'd stand a chance at beating him.  Then as luck would have it I started to make a few outstanding shots and he started to screw up a few of them.   Then on the 17th he says "I'm too tired, later." and that was it.  I stayed and finished it but he bailed out. 



  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Thu, Jul 15 2010 8:35 AM

    I do remember the initial attempt at the player reputation and I think this will be hard to do in a way that really helps.  The problem I have is that if I start with 3 other players and they all quit, then if I end my round, esp if they quit early, then I will be penalized for not finishing.  If I wanted to play as a single I would not have played with other players.  I frankly don't see who WGT will ever get this to work.  I realize I can just play with my friends but they aren't always online and I like to meet lots of folks on here.

  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Sat, Jul 17 2010 7:36 PM

    In my humble opinion, the only way to address this issue of quitting for no other reasons than ego would be to make every hole played count - period. Then If I have to go because my "baby is crying" or "the wife has dinner ready" I will have whatever amount of golf played counted on my average.


    My 5c

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Sat, Jul 17 2010 9:00 PM


    My state doesnt allow MPC or Ready go Tournys so for me what i do i is play random match play games/or w/ buddies when not playing in the weekly tourneys so if they decide not to finish you get a "victory". Also you can meet new friends that way(random matches) so when you play stroke play you know who you're playing w/ and stick w/ a group of friends who dont leave ya hanging. Keeps those foursomes turning into just you by the 4th tee box away. 

    Happy hitting

    2 things, I played with  lady one afternoon and she made an incredible birdie putt on the last hole. I would have been over joyed to have made a biride like that. It upset her because she finished the round. And many use those unfinished rounds as practice. Most of the players that play matches like that are not playing in the tournaments and shooting lights out scores and winning then shooting an incredibly bad round to keep their average high enough to stay a pro or amateur to win more. I'm not sure why they do it but it's not to win a lots of credits unfairly.And if they are already a master what difference does it make? That would only make a difference if there were another tier above master and there isn't one, at least not yet.

    I also agree with you, i have met some great people playing in random stroke and match play matches. A few that I have played quit for what ever reason but most play until the end unless they just don't putt out on 18 or 9 if it's a 9 hole match. One person quit because he was so very frustrated about how badly he was playing compared to me and the other player. Not that I am that good, but he was a hack just starting out. The other player and i were trying to help him but he just got tired of our parring or birdieing while he was doubling or what ever. I always play to the end unless i have to leave due to time restraints and I always return later to finish as solo.I play to the end because you can learn so much just watching how a player handles a certain situation.

  • superchuck
    210 Posts
    Sun, Jul 18 2010 9:05 PM

    Quitting is a sure sign of BAD character...The Golf Gods frown on BAD charac-

    ter and the Golf Gods WILL get their due....Wether here or in real life!

    Play nice people.