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Artifically high handicapps ... quitting on last hole

Sun, Jul 25 2010 5:14 PM (46 replies)
  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Sun, Jul 18 2010 10:00 PM

    Quitting is a sure sign of BAD character

     Like my grandpa used to say,   quitters Never win, and winners Never quit,  Cuddos to all that finish what they started!!   I always finish when playing  multi player rounds, and I rarley play as a single , only to get my timing down. Almost always  play random games because it is fun to play new people and see what they have to offer, or to help them get better.

  • stringbender
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 4:02 PM


      This site is full of hackin quitters!!!  I've been here for almost 30 days and this problem is aggravting... If you make a errant shot or don't like ur score quit..."WTF"...  I would like to see WGT do something about this.... One way to discourage this would be imposing penaltys to someone who quit's, like Am. get 5 points up on their rating, Pro's 7 up, Master 10 up or all get 10 up... I also understand that sometime we have to logout or get offline... For this, if you quit and start another game penaltys occur but if you quit for at least a hour no penaltys... Please do something, maybe a large red circle with a line thru it over their pics to let players know that they are among the infamous quitters and maybe make a quitters Hall of Shame and plaster their pics all over it... This to would detour some Anyways Thanks for readin my ramblings.......Stringbender

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 4:22 PM

    String... the large red circle with the line through it over the pic of a quitter is in the plans of WGT, in the form of a Reputation Tracker.

    All the calls for punishing the quitters might work in a non-profit venture, but WGT has a vested interest in everyone staying aboard.  An anology might be Sears or Target having a policy that if you come in the store and look at merchandise, but "quit" before actually buying it, then you're restricted from entering the store in the future.  Not the best of anologies but the bottom line is that you don't want to piss off your customers.

    The Reputation Tracking will work... it just needs to be implemented soon.  To keep those who are quit upon happy, as well.

  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 6:06 PM

    I agree about the quitter thing, but it really only bugs me if they end up freezing out my game. If someone quits to protect their little number, they are only fooling themselves.

    I still think any ranked round should just automatically be counted. If this game is truly trying to be as real as possible, then that is the only way to be. In real golf, when creating and maintaining a handicap, you aren't allowed "do overs" whenever you feel like it, why is it different here?

    Reputation tracking is pointless, since there is no actual penalty. By making everyone finish every ranked round, you're score actually becomes like a truly maintained handicap. How that could possibly turn people off is a mystery to me. Especially those who are masters, that little number is meaningless anyway. I know I'd much rather know what my true handicap is, so I can play to actually reflect what I should shoot. I bounce between 64 and 72 all the time depending on the courses I've played, meter issues, my own faulty mouse clicking finger, utterly poor or great course management, and luck.

    All that said, I don't let quitters affect me unless they ruin the remaining players game by freezing us out. If my light is green, invite me for a game, I'll play til the end regardless.

    3 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 6:07 PM

    Folks I don't usually post in here but when I see some comments about quitting it gets my dander up because there are a lot of reason why a person quits and it's not just because of a bad score. I entered a few minutes ago and found myself ready to start playing at a course that I never heard of and I had no intention of even playing tonight. I was just automatically taken to a course and started? Now how do I get out of it? Of course I have to "QUIIT"!  Also a lot of times connections are lost for no reason and that is considered a quit.. I know there are people that do these thing but is going to be very hard to police them and I for one don't like them at all. I come in here to relax and enjoy myself and that's what I usually do even if I shoot a bad game. At least I do better than I do on a real course, lol! I am really enjoying St. Andrews even though not doing very well at it but I will continue to improve I am sure. Ya'll take care now. The Reputation Tracker will work but will also be tough to police.

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 9:57 PM

    Hi All,

    I think we need to be very very careful when we are accusing people of quiting. As "Goat" mentioned above there are many legit reasons - and not just because of a bad round.

    I was actually disconnected the other week right in the middle of a match play. Just out of the blue - the game dropped out. It wasnt me pulling the plug because I was getting a belting lol, there was nothing wrong with my internet connection or link - I have to assume it was the WGT end, no question about that. 

    It didnt look good on me I can tell you - I was 4 down and the game drops out ?? What was my playing partner to think ??? I can image what he thought lol. Anyway I managed to reconnect immediately and we finished the match. I did end up getting a belting, but I'm not one for quiting!!

    I know there are players that quit, however - it is not always because of a bad round.

    Just my 2 bobs worth



  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Wed, Jul 21 2010 5:36 PM

    Certainly there are many reasons for quitting. Bad round, WGT error, something comes up at home/work, whatever. Regardless, how would making every ranked round, single or multiplayer, have to be completed have any bearing on "the reason"?

    I'd venture to say the number of "WGT errors" would drop substantially if this was implemented. If people couldn't just quit and have a "do over", unless it was a computer or personal issue, why would they quit? Further, if they do quit a game, regardless of reason, they would have to finish the round upon their return before being able to play another game. Isn't that the whole point of a handicap system anyway?

    I can answer my own questions, because there really is only one answer. That is the only way to effectively remove quitting, and it would be nothing to implement. Quitting would be a non-issue from day one of implementation. It seems to me the simplest and really only answer to the "quitter" debate.

    Like I said prior, quitting doesn't really matter to me unless it freezes myself and others out of a round. Generally, I just finish the round on my own, but I prefer to play this game with others. I further, generally play with friends, and I think my friends are like minded and play to the end regardless as I do.

    I know I'll never be a really awesome player like Boll, Lee, and a number of others, and I'm good with that. Playing a game with great players in their category is fantastic. Making this change would not have any effect on the truly elite in this game. I suppose a system like I have proposed will hurt people who artificially deflate their average by quitting, and really, who cares. That is actually helping them in the long run, by forcing them to improve. I look at my ranking number as a way to judge my play against what my average would dictate I should be shooting. After all, that i the whole point of a rolling average.

  • JeffCinNC
    15 Posts
    Wed, Jul 21 2010 6:43 PM

    In response to the comments about the Reputation Tracker.  Unless I'm misunderstanding how that concept will work, I don't see it as useless, nor is it something that needs to be policed.  I see it as a tool for me to make decisions about matches I play.  If I see a player with a "bad" reputation, I will chose not to play a match with that person...I too believe in "never quitting" no matter how bad it gets!  If I chose to play someone with a bad reputation then I must assume the risk that if I get the upper-hand in the match, I'm possibly going to see the game end with them quitting the match.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Jul 21 2010 6:56 PM

    And the beauty of Reputation Tracking is that it will keep the quitters in the game, in matches, for fear of being ostracized.  And if not, so be it... they will earn their own reward: playing by themselves.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Wed, Jul 21 2010 9:05 PM

    I can answer my own questions, because there really is only one answer. That is the only way to effectively remove quitting, and it would be nothing to implement. Quitting would be a non-issue from day one of implementation. It seems to me the simplest and really only answer to the "quitter" debate.

    This has been suggested dozens of times before, and had gotten very little response from WGT. It would take very little in programming, as the ONLY thing it would require is the removal of the 'forfeit round' option once the game reloads. Heck, they wouldn't even have to remove the programming for the functionality of the option, just remove the option itself.

    It is the perfect solution as it is easy, cheap, and can be done immediately. The reputation tracking might be a useful tool, but will come with a complete set of new problems above and beyond the ones that were witnessed with its first release. WGT will be inundated with a barrage of forum posts and E-mails from those begging to have their negative scores reversed with every drop, as it will always be a 'wgt issue' in those cases. Unfortunately, to implement this is utterly impossible, as there is NO WAY for wgt to be able to determine the cause of a disconnect, and it will cause them more work than it will save.......