Jeff & Tar
Who is suggesting preventing people from playing? I just can't comprehend why anyone would even try arguing against making every ranked round count. We all play this game, and praise it for the realism and similarity to real golf. Why wouldn't everyone want an actual, realistic handicap?
WGT has enough problems with new roll outs and other issues. The reputation tracker will be pointless and cause more trouble than it's worth. Counting every ranked round started is the only sensible thing to do if they are going to address it. It requires a minimal change and could be implemented immediately. Best thing is, it effects no ones at all.
In real golf, if you just started a round, then walked off without finishing, then started another, and another, and only submitted the good scores (or bad scores) for your handicap, you would be chastised and run off the course. Why would anyone want that here?
Please, anyone, help me to understand.