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Artifically high handicapps ... quitting on last hole

Sun, Jul 25 2010 5:14 PM (46 replies)
  • drewsterinone
    190 Posts
    Wed, Jul 21 2010 9:16 PM

    what if they made it so you can quit a round...but it must be played upon return.. you cant play any other tourny or stroke, or match play game, till that round is completed. simple...make it so you have to finish it or you cant move on to the next round...


    very simple, done, no more quitter!!!




    my two cents.........seacrest ....................out!


  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Wed, Jul 21 2010 11:11 PM

    VHL and Drew...


  • tallnhot
    6 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 2:25 AM

    Will never happen. You are assuming WGT gives a s h i t! They could care less. If they did, then would have been addressed long time ago , like so many other un-addressed issues here.

    But rock on Karma rules!!!

  • tallnhot
    6 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 2:28 AM

    Fix the loading and crashing and freezing and lagbites first. Good grief wake up!!!!!!!!!!!

  • tallnhot
    6 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 2:31 AM

    LOL Finally an intelligent person!  That is what the WGT thieves are hoping for so they can steal credits for the vig. Rofl Isnt it obvious with all the load and lag and freeze problems?

  • ForFoxSake
    28 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 2:51 AM

    I have 0 read..ZERO Load and lag and freeze problems 

  • JeffCinNC
    15 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 2:57 AM

    I certainly agree with fixing all the bugs, disconnects, etc......get out of Beta!  But, I don't think the idea of not allowing a player who quits a match to play anything else until he finishes the round he quit will ever fly.  WGT is, after all, in the business of making money and to "freeze" a player's game in the name of fair play and sportsmanship ain't gonna happen!  If a player isn't playing, they have NO chance of selling balls, clubs, avatars, etc.  Plus, a good number of players would just quit altogether rather than abide by fair play and sportsmanship.

    The only answer I believe is to let each of US be our own police by chosing NOT to play with those who don't have a good "reputation" ranking.  Golf is an individual sport played in a small group setting.  I wouldn't go back and play much real golf if I knew nobody at the club was going to play with me ever...I would find another hobby!  Maybe those with "bad" reputations will eventually do the same!

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 9:11 AM

    Jeff is on the right track.  You can't keep people from playing when all your revenue comes from letting those people play as much as possible.  I hate the quitting because I like to play with random people but I have come to accept it as part of the game.  You can police it by not playing with people who you know quit, only play with your friends if you want.

  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 9:56 AM

    Maybe if the reputation ranking showed a percentage of how often a player completes a round instead of saying good or bad, because of internet disconnect problems or PC problems which happens and not that they just quit,  their % of completion would be rather high still, compared to those who dont complete rounds due to playing poorly or trying to save their scoring avg,  their % of completion would be rather low and then you could decide if you want to take a chance at playing with someone who has a low completion %.  and I for one would be kinda embarrassed to have a bad % rating !!

    Just my own thought

  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Thu, Jul 22 2010 2:42 PM

    Jeff & Tar

    Who is suggesting preventing people from playing? I just can't comprehend why anyone would even try arguing against making every ranked round count. We all play this game, and praise it for the realism and similarity to real golf. Why wouldn't everyone want an actual, realistic handicap?

    WGT has enough problems with new roll outs and other issues. The reputation tracker will be pointless and cause more trouble than it's worth. Counting every ranked round started is the only sensible thing to do if they are going to address it. It requires a minimal change and could be implemented immediately. Best thing is, it effects no ones at all.

    In real golf, if you just started a round, then walked off without finishing, then started another, and another, and only submitted the good scores (or bad scores) for your handicap, you would be chastised and run off the course. Why would anyone want that here?

    Please, anyone, help me to understand.