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Boycott live gamer vids for views

Fri, Sep 14 2012 11:20 AM (174 replies)
  • RojoYoda
    39 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 5:30 AM

    My main gripe about is that I wish there had been advanced notice,it's not like the views to credits conversion rate regularly changes. My fault or not & I'm guessing I'm not the only one..I had saved up quite a few credits ready to be redeemed soon and now I won't be getting the credits I thought I would!

    1,141 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 5:38 AM

    well dang..

    it must be nice to live in such a perfect world... never make mistakes  or wrong decisions..

    geeeesh ... i thought 'boycott' was the right word... at least  i understood what it was meant to mean...

     ... and understand when ppl are upset.. and voicing an opinion.

    i know there are folks here with GIANT egos...and just LOVE 2 prove or lets say TRY and prove how smart they are in these threads.. 

    well... im just a dum ole rednek... BUT all ya prove or look like to me... is a smart azz try'n looking for any oppertunity to see a flaw in someone else... in order to make them selves appear to be a BRAINYAKkk..

    there... have a field day with all that FINE spellin ...

    thats not what this thread was all about... go fuss about word definitions somewhere else  ... 


  • TopShelf2010
    10,899 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 5:59 AM


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 6:09 AM




    I have no objection to voting with our individual wallets, which I myself will be doing.  That's exercising free choice which is fine by me. Talking about boycotts makes you sound like the OWS crowd, no offense.



    And the tenor of your post makes you sound like a perfect target for offense.


    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 6:11 AM

    We Know for sure that WGT are reading these posts, but not a word from them as yet. Only Icon has said anything, and the poor sod is taking all the flak for it. Way to go WGT, let somebody take all the abuse there is, while you sit there saying zilch. 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 6:36 AM

    Famous- at least you are consistent in that you refuse to let facts get in the way of your opinion. 

    1,141 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 6:45 AM


    not a thing wrong with yer reply at all..i too very much enjoy this game...

    that said tho... how would u feel if say i gave u a 100 bucks..for  mowing the lawn..

    then later ..i decided ...hmm mabey i over paid .. but instead of callin ya and explaining or discussing it  ..i just snuk over and STOLE 50 bucks of it back  ..

    yea the game is free.. but the VIEWS .. that ppl had built up were EARNED.. Not just gave to them.

    i am not on welfare nor destitute .. have bought a subway card or two.. and think it was well worth it...

    but WRONG is WRONG... and this was SOOOOO WRONG .. others got burnt really bad..i mean 15 or 20 bucks should't ruin anyone's life... its just the principle ..

    very SHADY looking... which really changed my outlook on the site..


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 6:51 AM

    now that the number of views required to obtain credits has been doubled,

    1st I heard of this, I just watch the 7,then go golfing..guessing my 300+ views are halved..Aaaah,the saddest part is that I am not in the slightest bit surprised...must be a form of 'Stockholm Syndrome' 'gaming' captors WGT !! Andy

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Wed, Aug 29 2012 7:24 AM

    I hate to be accurate here, but the payout has not been cut in half (for the max amount). You used to get 150 credits for 100 views; now you get 100.